...pertains to the "theoretical" maximum speed of the boat when it is moving forward in the upright position. And theoretical is just that, theoretical. The actual maximum boat speed can only be determined by actually putting the boat in the water and sailing it in real conditions. And sailboats don't sail upright. Those beautiful Alberg lines with those sweet overhangs increase the LWL increasing the maximum hull speed as the boat heels.
Our CD32, by the way, sails quite happily at 20% of heel (even more) while still sailing fast (greater than 6 knots). I don't mind sailing with the rail burried, but it really is time to reef at that point and the boat will be sluggish and continue to slow until reefed. We've sailed at speeds in excess of 7 knots with only a staysail and double-reefed main. So like Warren said, if you're thinking about reefing, do it.
Exceeding Hull Speed in a 25D
Moderator: Jim Walsh