Wise move Dave, Larry said it all, this is no place to be frugal. You could pay dearly. I replaced the bobstay on our 30 long ago as it developed a hairline crack in the lower swage, not unusual by any means. I replaced with wire rigging but next time am going to go with rod to eliminate the swage risk altogether. My previous boat had rod and I should have made the change the last time instead of the wire.D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Captain DeMers,
You as always Sir, in your Northern Michigan wisdom, are correct! I have been watching this thread this morning and finally realized with your LIMITED prose, that I was being dollar proud and thinkin' foolish! Removing the Bobstay is on the "TO-DO" list for tomorrow. I will take it to the local rigger and have them copy it! Hanalei also has a teak bowsprit, would hate to tear up that fine looking piece of wood! Good point about a second forestay to the cleat. I was wondering on how to rig a temp. bobstay, as the yard is splashing Hanalei Friday morning.
Geez, can you just IMAGINE what a beatin' I would take if that spar came down as I am leading the Fleet into Watch Hill? ? ? I don't EVEN want to think about it! ! Yours Sir, and thank you for the reality check....I remain......
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
CDSOA Number ONE....(and intending to stay that way!)
bowsprit stay?
Moderator: Jim Walsh