Deleware River Tidal Flows

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

Kerry Deare

Re: Deleware River Tidal Flows

Post by Kerry Deare »

Kerry Deare wrote: What we do is leave Riverside at high water and take the ebb down to just below the C&D Canal ...
I just took a look at the currents on 26 Apr 02 on the Delaware just opposite Riverside. In this instance I used Tides and Currents from Capn Voyager, but just about any other software will do. The section of the river near Riverside is known locally as Torresdale Range. Unfortunately, the news is not particulary good:

26 Apr 2002 (dst) 40º 02.400' N 074º 59.400' W
Torresdale, west of channel

Flood @ 00:21 = 1.1 Kn Slack @ 02:33
Ebb @ 07:17 = 2.2 Kn Slack @ 10:59
Flood @ 12:49 = 1.1 Kn Slack @ 14:59
Ebb @ 19:41 = 2.1 Kn Slack @ 23:16

Basically, the ebb starts at about 0230 and 1500 on 26 Apr 02. This means that you are unlikely to find a favorable current for much of the distance on 26 April. Besides, 26 April is a Friday.

Let me know if you need more info.
Allen Evans

Re: Delaware River Tidal Flows

Post by Allen Evans »

Leo -

You definitely want to account for river and tidal currents in your trip. Catch it wrong and your trip becomes interminable.

Reed's Nautical Almanac has tidal current tables as well as current charts for the Delaware Bay and River. Also, for about $8, you can get the large format booklet of current charts published by NOAA. I don't remember whether the charts are keyed to high and low water or to max ebb and flood. My copies are aboard the boat. Get them and study them .. you can arrange a trip with generally favorable currents all the way. You'll also see why Kerry Deare's two stage trip makes sense.

Good sailing.
- Allen
Leo MacDonald

And Michael w/ 'Sea Anchor'

Post by Leo MacDonald »

Don Carr wrote: Sounds like you even gave Mike a break by sailing with one arm tied behind your back.
FWIW Dept.
Hi Don,

True enough, but, in all fairness Michael was practicing his 'heavy weather tactics’ (via the famous 'spinnaker in the water' trick) - At least that was ‘the story’.

Fair Winds,
'Evening Light' CD33 #38
Michael Heintz

Re: And Michael w/ 'Sea Anchor'

Post by Michael Heintz »

Captain Leo

That's the story as I know it, and I'm stickin to it!!!!

No wonder you wanted me to be in the spinnaker class!!!!!!

Michael Heintz
Macht Nichts
Catherine Monaghan

Re: It's in Eldridge too

Post by Catherine Monaghan »


I know you already have your copy of the Eldrige Tide and Pilot Book. You'll find the tide and current data for the Delaware River and Delaware Bay on page 156. It shows when the flood and ebb starts, the direction in degrees true of maximum flood and ebb, and the average maximum of the flood and ebb in knots.

So you can use what you already have.

CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay

Leo MacDonald CD33 wrote: Hi All,

The Fast Sloop 'Evening Light' plans on departing Riverside, NJ (between Philly and Trenton) for it's delivery voyage to her new home in the New England waters on Friday, 26 April.

Due to the 15 hours of motoring to Cape May, the previous owner has mentioned coordinating our departure with the Delaware river tidal flow. I looked at Eldridge's without gleaming enough info to really plan this out.

Would anyone have a website or other source for Delaware river Tides and flows?

Fair Winds,
'Evening Light'
Kerry Deare

Re: Deleware River Tidal Flows

Post by Kerry Deare »

Leo MacDonald CD33 wrote: Due to the 15 hours of motoring to Cape May, the previous owner has mentioned coordinating our departure with the Delaware river tidal flow. I looked at Eldridge's without gleaming enough info to really plan this out.
Leo, take at look at PORTS here:

Interesting stuff.
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