has anyone noticed

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh


Re: I surely did!!!!

Post by Chip »

In my opinion, Mr. DeMers started a fight, by calling Paul a “murderer” and then wants to end the discussion because he thinks the topic should be banned. Does anyone think Mr. DeMers owes Paul an apology? I do. If you don’t like the thread, than don’t add to it, but don’t drop a bomb and expect to come out unscathed. Mr. DeMers own words, “To avoid the tiger, avoid the forest.


Larry DeMers

Re: has anyone noticed -a response

Post by Larry DeMers »

First a compliment on your fortitude and bravery in using your name when attacking me personally. You truly are a brave little yellow belly, heh?

To the rest on the board that care:

Over the past few years, I have come to love this board, the folks here, and the boats that they choose to sail. I have come to welcome the relief from my rather stress filled and uncontrollably upside down life at home and work, for no other reason than it gives me a chance to practice what I wish life would be like personally and world wide..namely, people helping and respecting others. To that end, I have authored 1270 (check the search engine under my name..woops, now it's 1271..sorry) pieces since coming here. A vast majority of my pieces are rather long winded diatribes on some facet of boat repairs or technology, and the good folks here on the board seem to put up with my long winded indulgences, maybe gaining enough out of them to actually fix their problem. For this I am grateful, 'cause I don't always know how to make a point in brevity.

It would stand to reason that in those 1271 pieces that I wrote, there would be some articles that involved a controversial subject that gets out of hand due to many factors. There have been 3 that I can remember, including this damnable topic of guns etc.

My hatred of guns has a strong foundation. My dad was killed by an abductor in So.Calif, using a handgun. My mother was also abducted, but shoved to the sidewalk, and allowed to watch the last sight of my dad driving the car away, as the helicopters followed in pursuit. I hate all guns -true. Their only purpose is to kill. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves. Enough said on this -and I will not discuss this topic further. I ask that you respect my wishes, as I am still too close to his death to talk dispassionately about it.

I will not apologize for defending the truth about the topic we were discussing, as related by many dozens of cruisers I have personally corresponded with over the years, and the hundreds that have writtent heir assessments of this situation on the various cruising newsgroups (rec.boats.cruising is the main one). The unfortunate thing is that LURKER is right on some levels. I do seem to draw lightning to myself, and that is something I am struggling to understand now.

Perhaps I see these idiots intruding into this little slice of heaven that we have here, and I react in defense of this intrusion. Perhaps, I take the topics too seriously. Perhaps, perhaps.

Summarizing what I would say over the next 10,000 words (see, practicing brevity even under these trying circumstances):

I feel a very strong impulse to do what I would do on my dock if this sort of attack took place. Attack back..or leave the situation and find something else to do. But frankly, you folks that wrote in about how you view my contributions make me reconsider. Your points about this board becoming less friendly and more controversy filled, unraveling the whole thing make me want to stay and help get our board back to good health.

Frankly, I don't know what to do. I feel bad about the argumenets..but I do not regret one word I said, nor do I rescind anything I said, especially to Paul. Perhaps the delivery could use improvement though, and I will try to improve on that.

Maybe the controlling thought for us all..me certainly included, should be to remember Walt and Cathy's admonition to keep the subjects on target with the boards guidelines. Make certain that the topic and discussion are benefitting the entire board, and not some small fraction thereof. Sounds like a good start anyway.

Lets get back to normal now..Spring is Coming soon up here in Gitchee-Gumee land..we are heading for our first weekend aboard the boat this weekend if things don't totally melt down at home, and the snow is under 10 ft deep in the parking lot up there..seriously!



A LURKER wrote: that larry is generally involved in "upsets" on the board?

Nautical Traditions Offic

Re: Well stated Sir, a glass of....

Post by Nautical Traditions Offic »

Captain DeMers,

Well stated, a glass of wine with you Sir. Larry, would you and your 1st. consider flying out to Connecticut on or about the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th of August to join in a little "Lite hearted" RACING on Long Island and Fisher's Island Sounds? Hanalei may be in need of crew for the event......

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Nautical Traditions Officer

Larry DeMers

Re: Well stated Sir, a glass of....

Post by Larry DeMers »

Hi Dave,

Certainly I would consider it. Whether or not we can get our current gaggle of 12 waitresses and cooks to coooperate long enough for this to happen is another question completely. Any one that has owned a restaurant knows what I am talking about. Now make that _two_ restaurants, with another 4 people at the other site. We just had our best worker steal $200 from our bar, and leave the area. Last summer the guy that ran our first place took off with $5k, and is currently, (finally) residing in jail, awaiting trial on Felony Theft. So I surely cannot promise anything, but I can promise that we can try to get off for a 4 day pass anyway, if that would fit the race period. I think that it would be fun to meet you guys, and maybe get a bit of grog splashed in our direction. Lets work towards that idea and see what is happening later in the year.

Cheers and thanks Dave,

Nautical Traditions Officer wrote: Captain DeMers,

Well stated, a glass of wine with you Sir. Larry, would you and your 1st. consider flying out to Connecticut on or about the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th of August to join in a little "Lite hearted" RACING on Long Island and Fisher's Island Sounds? Hanalei may be in need of crew for the event......

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Nautical Traditions Officer

Warren Kaplan

Re: Well stated Sir, a glass of....

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Perhaps we can put this all behind us and get back to the business at hand. I have to take a run up to Oyster Bay today and talk to my yard about a launch date!! Sine Qua Non is snug under her shrink wrap but if I can just put "launching today" on my calendar in big red letters I can stare at it all day and know life is good!! Days are gettin' noticably longer! I'm all excited!

Warren Kaplan


Re: has anyone noticed -a response

Post by Hal »

Hey, can't we just get back to sailing? What is this- a support group for the hopless? Thought the little "club" (Larry, Walt, Stump, etc>) was tired of non-sailing subjects and being politically incorrect? Shheeezz! Leave it to liberals to be complete hypocrites. Ok Wally, you can censor me againnnnnnnnnnn.
Larry DeMers wrote: Dear LURKER,
First a compliment on your fortitude and bravery in using your name when attacking me personally. You truly are a brave little yellow belly, heh?

To the rest on the board that care:

Over the past few years, I have come to love this board, the folks here, and the boats that they choose to sail. I have come to welcome the relief from my rather stress filled and uncontrollably upside down life at home and work, for no other reason than it gives me a chance to practice what I wish life would be like personally and world wide..namely, people helping and respecting others. To that end, I have authored 1270 (check the search engine under my name..woops, now it's 1271..sorry) pieces since coming here. A vast majority of my pieces are rather long winded diatribes on some facet of boat repairs or technology, and the good folks here on the board seem to put up with my long winded indulgences, maybe gaining enough out of them to actually fix their problem. For this I am grateful, 'cause I don't always know how to make a point in brevity.

It would stand to reason that in those 1271 pieces that I wrote, there would be some articles that involved a controversial subject that gets out of hand due to many factors. There have been 3 that I can remember, including this damnable topic of guns etc.

My hatred of guns has a strong foundation. My dad was killed by an abductor in So.Calif, using a handgun. My mother was also abducted, but shoved to the sidewalk, and allowed to watch the last sight of my dad driving the car away, as the helicopters followed in pursuit. I hate all guns -true. Their only purpose is to kill. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves. Enough said on this -and I will not discuss this topic further. I ask that you respect my wishes, as I am still too close to his death to talk dispassionately about it.

I will not apologize for defending the truth about the topic we were discussing, as related by many dozens of cruisers I have personally corresponded with over the years, and the hundreds that have writtent heir assessments of this situation on the various cruising newsgroups (rec.boats.cruising is the main one). The unfortunate thing is that LURKER is right on some levels. I do seem to draw lightning to myself, and that is something I am struggling to understand now.

Perhaps I see these idiots intruding into this little slice of heaven that we have here, and I react in defense of this intrusion. Perhaps, I take the topics too seriously. Perhaps, perhaps.

Summarizing what I would say over the next 10,000 words (see, practicing brevity even under these trying circumstances):

I feel a very strong impulse to do what I would do on my dock if this sort of attack took place. Attack back..or leave the situation and find something else to do. But frankly, you folks that wrote in about how you view my contributions make me reconsider. Your points about this board becoming less friendly and more controversy filled, unraveling the whole thing make me want to stay and help get our board back to good health.

Frankly, I don't know what to do. I feel bad about the argumenets..but I do not regret one word I said, nor do I rescind anything I said, especially to Paul. Perhaps the delivery could use improvement though, and I will try to improve on that.

Maybe the controlling thought for us all..me certainly included, should be to remember Walt and Cathy's admonition to keep the subjects on target with the boards guidelines. Make certain that the topic and discussion are benefitting the entire board, and not some small fraction thereof. Sounds like a good start anyway.

Lets get back to normal now..Spring is Coming soon up here in Gitchee-Gumee land..we are heading for our first weekend aboard the boat this weekend if things don't totally melt down at home, and the snow is under 10 ft deep in the parking lot up there..seriously!



A LURKER wrote: that larry is generally involved in "upsets" on the board?

Larry DeMers

Re: has anyone noticed -a response

Post by Larry DeMers »


That's it Hal..keep up the drum beat of insults...

I am restraining myself from commenting on this shill's ancestry.
But I encourage everyone to search out Hals address on this board to see for yourself how active he has been here (ficador@aol.com). While activity doesn't prove much, I suspect that in this case it says a lot.

Larry DeMers

Ken Coit

Re: has anyone noticed -a response

Post by Ken Coit »


Thanks for being a major part of the solutions around here, rather than the problems. How does it go? Lead, follow, or get out of the way?

Good luck with all that snow. You make me look like a piker putting up with all that horrible weather.

Keep on Sailing,


Chris Cram

Re: has anyone noticed

Post by Chris Cram »

To all,

I may not comment terribly frequently.....but believe me when I say that I read this board 5-10 times a day. I am in front of a computer 8-10 hours on most days. I read just about everything from just about everybody. SO I am confident when I say that this board CAN'T unravel. The people here are top notch, they love their boats, they love sailing (and power) and they love sharing their experiences of the same. People have in the past have been offended and threatened to not participate again, people have shown their sensitivities, Well we are all adults let's just move on.

To the people who truly know what they are talking about when it comes to our beloved Cape Dories (and you know who you are) DON'T LEAVE, DON'T BE OFFENDED BY THE IGNORANTS---Know there are those of us who treasure your wisdom and knowledge regardless of your personal beliefs. I, for the purposes of this board, don't give a hoot about your personal beliefs when it comes to the more hot button issues of the day but, darn it, if you know how to save me some headache when it comes to an issue I am having with my boat then today and right now you are a treasured resource, respected and befriended for your knowledge.

So don't Offend and don't be offended, if you are offended turn the other cheek and ignore the offender.

Let's stay on subject.


Re: Well stated Sir, a glass of....

Post by Marc »

Hi Larry,
I own two restaurants too, i understand you when you say that it could happen to work with some bads apples.

It come a time that you will accept the fact that you could be rob( in my case it's been 6 times). If you accept that you will be able to do the trip with a free mind.

After all, a thief is a guy who only do is job... ha! ha!

I hope that you will be able to do it.

Marc :))
Larry DeMers wrote:
Hi Dave,

Certainly I would consider it. Whether or not we can get our current gaggle of 12 waitresses and cooks to coooperate long enough for this to happen is another question completely. Any one that has owned a restaurant knows what I am talking about. Now make that _two_ restaurants, with another 4 people at the other site. We just had our best worker steal $200 from our bar, and leave the area. Last summer the guy that ran our first place took off with $5k, and is currently, (finally) residing in jail, awaiting trial on Felony Theft. So I surely cannot promise anything, but I can promise that we can try to get off for a 4 day pass anyway, if that would fit the race period. I think that it would be fun to meet you guys, and maybe get a bit of grog splashed in our direction. Lets work towards that idea and see what is happening later in the year.

Cheers and thanks Dave,

Nautical Traditions Officer wrote: Captain DeMers,

Well stated, a glass of wine with you Sir. Larry, would you and your 1st. consider flying out to Connecticut on or about the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th of August to join in a little "Lite hearted" RACING on Long Island and Fisher's Island Sounds? Hanalei may be in need of crew for the event......

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Nautical Traditions Officer

John Phillips

Re: has anyone noticed -a response

Post by John Phillips »

I knew your line of "thinking" had a familiar ring to it. You were the initiator of the beloved "Sailor Survey" I wouldn't go to far in accusing others of being off topic.

We have lost good contributors to this board by people slinging insults and sometimes by people trying to be funny but hurting instead. I don't believe we have seen John Vigor since last August and truthfully, I would rather have one of his messages than ten of mine or yours or many people just like us.

Let's cool it.

On winter projects, I am nearly finished with a Chesapeake Light Craft Eastport Pram. I can tell she will make a lovely dinghy for my Typhoon. I was able to instill some human traits in her, she has imperfections, just like me, you, and most everyone else on this board
But for those who take the time to look, just like me, you and most everyone on this board, her singular good traits makes her beautiful.

Let's ease up and have fun.

John Phillips
Hal wrote: Hey, can't we just get back to sailing? What is this- a support group for the hopless? Thought the little "club" (Larry, Walt, Stump, etc>) was tired of non-sailing subjects and being politically incorrect? Shheeezz! Leave it to liberals to be complete hypocrites. Ok Wally, you can censor me againnnnnnnnnnn.
Larry DeMers wrote: Dear LURKER,
First a compliment on your fortitude and bravery in using your name when attacking me personally. You truly are a brave little yellow belly, heh?

To the rest on the board that care:

Over the past few years, I have come to love this board, the folks here, and the boats that they choose to sail. I have come to welcome the relief from my rather stress filled and uncontrollably upside down life at home and work, for no other reason than it gives me a chance to practice what I wish life would be like personally and world wide..namely, people helping and respecting others. To that end, I have authored 1270 (check the search engine under my name..woops, now it's 1271..sorry) pieces since coming here. A vast majority of my pieces are rather long winded diatribes on some facet of boat repairs or technology, and the good folks here on the board seem to put up with my long winded indulgences, maybe gaining enough out of them to actually fix their problem. For this I am grateful, 'cause I don't always know how to make a point in brevity.

It would stand to reason that in those 1271 pieces that I wrote, there would be some articles that involved a controversial subject that gets out of hand due to many factors. There have been 3 that I can remember, including this damnable topic of guns etc.

My hatred of guns has a strong foundation. My dad was killed by an abductor in So.Calif, using a handgun. My mother was also abducted, but shoved to the sidewalk, and allowed to watch the last sight of my dad driving the car away, as the helicopters followed in pursuit. I hate all guns -true. Their only purpose is to kill. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves. Enough said on this -and I will not discuss this topic further. I ask that you respect my wishes, as I am still too close to his death to talk dispassionately about it.

I will not apologize for defending the truth about the topic we were discussing, as related by many dozens of cruisers I have personally corresponded with over the years, and the hundreds that have writtent heir assessments of this situation on the various cruising newsgroups (rec.boats.cruising is the main one). The unfortunate thing is that LURKER is right on some levels. I do seem to draw lightning to myself, and that is something I am struggling to understand now.

Perhaps I see these idiots intruding into this little slice of heaven that we have here, and I react in defense of this intrusion. Perhaps, I take the topics too seriously. Perhaps, perhaps.

Summarizing what I would say over the next 10,000 words (see, practicing brevity even under these trying circumstances):

I feel a very strong impulse to do what I would do on my dock if this sort of attack took place. Attack back..or leave the situation and find something else to do. But frankly, you folks that wrote in about how you view my contributions make me reconsider. Your points about this board becoming less friendly and more controversy filled, unraveling the whole thing make me want to stay and help get our board back to good health.

Frankly, I don't know what to do. I feel bad about the argumenets..but I do not regret one word I said, nor do I rescind anything I said, especially to Paul. Perhaps the delivery could use improvement though, and I will try to improve on that.

Maybe the controlling thought for us all..me certainly included, should be to remember Walt and Cathy's admonition to keep the subjects on target with the boards guidelines. Make certain that the topic and discussion are benefitting the entire board, and not some small fraction thereof. Sounds like a good start anyway.

Lets get back to normal now..Spring is Coming soon up here in Gitchee-Gumee land..we are heading for our first weekend aboard the boat this weekend if things don't totally melt down at home, and the snow is under 10 ft deep in the parking lot up there..seriously!



A LURKER wrote: that larry is generally involved in "upsets" on the board?

h meyrick

Re: has anyone noticed

Post by h meyrick »

A LURKER wrote: that larry is generally involved in "upsets" on the board?

Dear Capt. Lurker (a name I am inclined to believe is entirely ficticious):

"We welcome everyone's questions, answers and comments about
Cape Dory sailboats and motor yachts." [from the board]

Despite my generous instincts, I am not quite able to see how your post relates to Cape Dory boats. However, I can see how it might be perceived as a personal affront to Mr. Demers, (or "larry", to you).

While it is entirely your right to think whatever you may of Mr. Demers, I believe that I'm not speaking merely for myself when I state that while his posts are sometimes opinionated, they are generally extremely valuable, informative and worthwhile. For my own selfish reasons, I would rather not have him be offended and disappear - as Mr. Vigor did a few months ago - just because some fool has a chip on his shoulder about some controversial subject. So please, before you post your next message, consider that although we are all anonymous in cyberspace - civility and courtesy do apply here.

So, since this board is about Cape Dory boats, let's get on with it.
To avoid any undue controversy, let me propose a new topic: varnish, or cetol?
Larry DeMers

Re: Winter Blahs and Spring is within sight

Post by Larry DeMers »


I am just one of a gaggle of contributors..and lately I seem to be a lightning rod for outsiders (LURKER, Hal etc all phony accounts at aol.com and others) to stir up their anger at the world with.
Going to the boat regardless of weather is deemed mandatory right now. Know that we have 3 -5 gallon pails of wood for the fireplace, and our warm comforter for the vberth, and Captain Morgan in the galley. Should be fun!


Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30

Ken Coit wrote: Larry,

Thanks for being a major part of the solutions around here, rather than the problems. How does it go? Lead, follow, or get out of the way?

Good luck with all that snow. You make me look like a piker putting up with all that horrible weather.

Keep on Sailing,


will parker

Re: has anyone noticed

Post by will parker »

No. But what I have noticed is that when I have a technical problem regarding my boat I can invariably find a useful comment from Larry Demers which answers my question before I even ask it. Larry is not only an experienced sailor, he is an experienced CAPE DORY sailor. He combines his experience with his engineering background, and common sense intelligence, to offer to all of us, ENTIRELY FREE OF CHARGE, useful advice and solutions to common problems. Moreover, he takes the time to provide the detail needed for understanding.
So, lay off Larry. We need his input.
CD 30

that larry is generally involved in "upsets" on the board?


Re: Winter Blahs and Spring is within sight

Post by Bill »

You go Larry

I truly believe that Spring is about the spring...I awake daily to birds singing their little hearts out. Surely it cant be too far behind for the Northern Brethern....

Larry DeMers wrote: Ken,

I am just one of a gaggle of contributors..and lately I seem to be a lightning rod for outsiders (LURKER, Hal etc all phony accounts at aol.com and others) to stir up their anger at the world with.
Going to the boat regardless of weather is deemed mandatory right now. Know that we have 3 -5 gallon pails of wood for the fireplace, and our warm comforter for the vberth, and Captain Morgan in the galley. Should be fun!


Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30

Ken Coit wrote: Larry,

Thanks for being a major part of the solutions around here, rather than the problems. How does it go? Lead, follow, or get out of the way?

Good luck with all that snow. You make me look like a piker putting up with all that horrible weather.

Keep on Sailing,


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