So on a different note, How can we get Captain Stump

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

Bill Goldsmith

Re: Hey, Mark ? ? ?

Post by Bill Goldsmith »


Mark is a non-CD-owning member of the CDSOA. I claim responsibility for dragging him into all this, although I take no responsibility for his opinions. I convinced him to help me deliver Second Chance from Peconic Bay to Croton-on-Hudson on a 3-day rainy foggy and T-storm filled weekend in June 1998 and he's been hooked ever since. He's helped me do many fix-ups on Second Chance and even performed some surprise ones of his own. At this point he's as knowledgeable as an owner, but without the payments!!! I think he's still scraping epoxy off his work glasses from the 1999 barrier coat we did! I've tried to convince him to look for one of his own, but alas, he'd prefer to tinker with Second Chance. I'm not complaining!!

The current plan is that Mark and his daughter as well as my son will crew on Second Chance for the Western LI Sound event. Doesn't look good for the Eastern event, but schedules do change!!

Bill Goldsmith
Second Chance
Hanalei wrote: Mark,

I was just perusing the CD registry, and noticed that you and your vessel are NOT registered! What's up with that??? Do you own a Cape Dory, and if so, what is it??? Will YOU be at the RACE, or is all of this just a lot of talk????? Just wondering....

D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Thank you Bill, I intended....

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

Captain Goldsmith,

I intended no affront, I had just never heard Mark talk about his own boat. CD owner without the fellow that! Hope you can make it to Watch Hill, it promises to be a grand event...

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
Will W.

Re: we've had quite enough of.NOT TALKING FOR ME!

Post by Will W. »

Hi Tom
How can you possibly read the words "Pirate Captain Stumpy Chicken Legs" and not laugh your a__ off.
Seriously though, you say we've had enough. I think it is presumptuous to speak for others. I can't wait for spring when actually sailing my boat and those issues of getting her ready become a larger part of my focus. I know that all the people who enjoy the pirate banter will gladly help you or anyone in any way they can with a serious inquiry. However, surely you can see that this would be a less enjoyable place to spend time if we tell anyone to go do their boat talk elsewhere.

Suppose twenty or thirty of the people who regularly help out here decide to chat elsewhere so that they can throw a few jokes around in the winter without fear of offending say... You. One day you will have a question and find that alot of helpfull and informative people are not around anymore. Then you will be faced with having to find them and put up with their stupid jokes, to get a question answered.
Which is pretty much where you are right now. Enjoy !!

Will Wheatley
Suzi Q

Michael Heintz wrote: Now Tom,

We're just trying to have a little fun.

I don't think it's offensive, and provides a little deversion from the Winter Blues. And you don't have to follow thread.

Michael Heintz
Capatin Commanding
Macht Nichts
Northeast Fleet Captain
Clay Stalker

Re: Thank you Bill, I intended....

Post by Clay Stalker »

D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Captain Goldsmith,

I intended no affront, I had just never heard Mark talk about his own boat. CD owner without the fellow that! Hope you can make it to Watch Hill, it promises to be a grand event...

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
I, for one, have enjoyed reading about the antics of Admiral Chicken Feet and the rest....I can't wait to meet them all...may just have to go to Watch Hill...never drank at a bar with a crew like this!!

Clay Stalker
Richard Feffer

Re: Lighten Up!!!

Post by Richard Feffer »

Hey Tom,

Lighten up!!! Where's your sense of humor? Have you no competetive spirit? No harm is being done here. If it troubles you, perhaps you would do well to not take part in the thread!!!

Richard Feffer
s/v Adamarie
Richard Feffer

Re: Well said Will!!!

Post by Richard Feffer »

Well said Will! I think you've expressed the sentiments of a lot of other CD owners who may not take the time to post a response. Thanks for putting it into the proper perspective!!!
Mark Yashinsky

I was just trying to lighten things up from the previous thr

Post by Mark Yashinsky »

And who better to lighten things up than to mention the name of (drum roll, please), Captain D. Stump of the dreadnought Hanalei.
But this seems to have not worked. Back to the drawing board.
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