Guns & Pirates

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

Don Carr

Re: Guns & Pirates

Post by Don Carr »

Since most if not all persons on this board are NOT sailing into 'pirate zones' IMHO, weapons are a bad thing on a boat. Frankly I have read more than one account of crews using orange smoke and/or flares as a defense. But not having sailed to areas so threatened it is only theory. Somehow I don't see my self using a firearm on the Long Island Sound. As a skipper should you opt to carry weapons, they should be locked up in the armory.
Will W.

Re: Guns & Pirates

Post by Will W. »

In all fairness Larry gave the most informative answer to the question posted. Also, guns or no guns I share his knee jerk detestation of killing.

Chip wrote:
Neil Gordon wrote: >>I think that this should be at the top of the list of banned topics.<<

This is the Cape Dory Information Exchange, isn't it? The original post came from mentioning an article that was in Cruising world, about pirates and guns. If you don't like this topic, maybe you should just avoid this thread all together, but others may benefit from it. Beware of the thought police!

Leo MacDonald

Re: Guns & Pirates

Post by Leo MacDonald »

Neil Gordon wrote: >>I think that this should be at the top of the list of banned topics.<<

This topic wasn't started by someone with an opinion, it was started by someone with a question. There's been meaningful discussion.

There are lots of "discussions" where positions are entrenched and proponents of one side or the other will never change. But there are also those who are new to issues and need information.

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
Easy Larry.

I agree with Neil. This group contains some cruisers and, as said, it can be an area of concern. No thought police desired!

I am also interested in the topic, having read all the different points of view expressed by our collective wisdom. I have sailed New England coastal waters and Lake Ontario - both areas in the fairly safe category. With plans to go further a field in a few years, this discussion is directly applicable.

I think you're correct in believing some people will not change their mind - no matter what the subject. But, personally I have noted, as a topic is discussed my perception / view is rethought and sometimes significantly altered. (This particular topic falls into the ‘rethought’ group.)

Enjoyed reading the thread - thanks all.

Fair Winds, Leo
Evening Light CD33, on the hard and running low on ammo ;-)
Assistant Webmaster

END OF THREAD -- Assistant Webmaster

Post by Assistant Webmaster »

Please try to keep the topics on this board limited to Cape Dory related items. This includes questions, problems, resolutions, projects and improvements specifically related to the boats themselves as well as questions/comments/stories regarding how/when/where the boats are used. Posts should be informative and/or fun but never offensive, intimidating or threatening. Opinions, both pro and con, should be expressed openly with civility never attacking another's character, motives or values.

Since this thread has gotten out of hand, I'm ending it here. Any other posts on this subject will be removed.

Catherine Monaghan
CCDOA Assistant Webmaster
Corky Uare

Re: END OF THREAD -- Assistant Webmaster

Post by Corky Uare »

I guess danger does not apply to Cape Dory boats. Only Catalinas !
Assistant Webmaster

Re: END OF THREAD -- Assistant Webmaster

Post by Assistant Webmaster »

As stated "...Opinions, both pro and con, should be expressed openly with civility never attacking another's character, motives or values..."

The question asked by Lou was a good, valid question. The responses are also valid. But when the posts go beyond informative and constructive and become disrespectful and uncivil, that's where it ends.

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