CD 22 self steering

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh


Re: Thoughts about Cape Horn Steering units.....

Post by len »


the CD 31 is heavy enough that the monitor doesn't cause squat unless you're already out of trim for some other reason - i like having the lines etc on deck where i can easily get at them, keep them clean etc - as someone else has posted, with true wind of 25 knots, i think any good windvane will steer downwind - my monitor steered me downwind with bare poles under near gale conditions offshore

since the wind always oscillates around a direction, you can't use a windvane very well except when you've got miles to go in the same direction and little traffic so it doesn't matter if the boat's course is off 10 degrees or more in either direction, the net course is ok

as i said, i've never seen the cape horn system, it's probably terrific but i wouldn't avoid the monitor (or the aries, the other system i've actually sailed with) for the reasons you cited - if you are planning long voyages, you should make sure the system is reliable and easily fixed -

Dave Boboc

Re: Thoughts about Cape Horn Steering units.....

Post by Dave Boboc »

There is another windvane from Australia called Windhelm.. They have a web site:

These are lighter than the Monitor, and more visually appealing, like the Cape horn.

Dave Boboc
Lapworth 24 #31

Re: Bob, could you elaborate on how you ran the

Post by Bob »

The Vane has an approximately 12inch diameter grooved wheel at its base in the center is a monel shaft the shaft turns in bronze bearings mounted in a one by four inch teak support plank which is bolted to the poop deck. A 3/16 line runs through two blocks mounted to the cockpit combing and around the wheelmaking an X over the poopdeck. Both ends of the line are tied together. A piece of velcro strap is wrapped around the tiller and the line. After the sail are trimmed the velcro strap and the line are locked in place with a clothespin. the tiller is now controlled by the vane. As the wind shifts the boat follows the shift as the vane is blownn by the wind and it moves the tiller. I hope that this helps some. If You get down to the Coconut Grove Sailing Club in miami I will be glad to show you.
S/V First Lady

Re: Bob, could you elaborate on how you ran the

Post by Bill »

Hi Bob

Is this the Letcher model that goes to the tiller only? Is there anyway you could get a pic posted?

Happy New Year

S/V Rhapsody

Re: Thoughts about Cape Horn Steering units.....

Post by george »

mike wrote: Wow! What a board!
Thanks for all of your suggestions. I'll take a look at the Cape Horn.
I think you can trust the ruggedness of the Cape Horn. Yves Gelinas tested it by circumnavigating his Alberg 30.

- George

Re: Bob, could you elaborate on how you ran the

Post by Bob »

Bill wrote: Hi Bob

Is this the Letcher model that goes to the tiller only? Is there anyway you could get a pic posted?

Happy New Year

S/V Rhapsody
Hi Bill,
Yes it is the model that goes to the tiller only. I'll try to get you a picture.
S/V First Lady
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