As far as service from West, I live in an area where the closest West store is 200 miles away, therefore I deal with them strictly via mail. I've never noticed any better service from them than Defender or anyone else. And West only ships FedExpress which to our area on the Central Coast is 5 day delivery and they won't ship UPS which is two days to here. Maybe if you have one locally and you walk into the store you can get service.
And then West does those dirty little things. Like they used to carry Armada and Cetol. Then they got Cetol to put Cetol up under their own label which they call Wood Pro. Now they don't carry Armada and have left all of us Armada users out in the cold. You can get Armada at Svensen's in Alameda, Walt, and that's in your area, but that's just an example of West's policy.
Don't get me wrong, I buy most of my stuff from West and spend ten times more there than I do at Defender, but I do check at Defender and others and if there is a big price difference I try to give the sale to the guys who have been the fairest with me. Just a thought.
Bill wrote: I just got off the phone with WM in my area. I told them about the Defender price on the Metz antenna, and they will credit my account the differance. Also, this local store has a "store to door" program that if you order it from the store (and they dont have it in stock)and it weighs less than 12 lbs (I think its 12) they will pay the shipping. I use this to offset the cost of having to pay sales tax now that there are WM stores in Oklahoma.
Strange about the catalogs. I was just in the store last week and they had two or three palettes (sp) full of catalogs and they were giving them away!!! (then again i had spent several $KKK over the last 3 months so they might have just looked the other way....)
Finally they dont even ask when I want to return an item. Some of which is 5 or 6 years old, that I was dissatisfied with (at the time immediately following purchase) and just didnt want to pay the shipping back to catalogue returns. They refund/credit the money without question. The only time I was refused a price match was on a closeout Navico TP300 (from BoatUS)...And they said that they could not match the BoatUS price.
And no I dont work for WM.....But hey, who know, maybe someone from Corperate headquarters will see this tread and.....oh well probably NOT.
Fair Winds
Walt Bilofsky wrote: I used to be a big West Marine fan. Now I am mixed, leaning negative. It's the only large chandlery in the S.F. Bay Area, unfortunately, so I am stuck with it. Boat/US has stores in southern California, which does me no good and requires them to charge me sales tax on mail orders.
West Marine used to give catalogs and tide tables away free. If we asked about items not in stock, they used to urge us to let them order the item in, so we could look at it. Now the catalogs are $10, they sell the same tide tables that the marinas give away, and for a while there was a restocking charge on items ordered in, even if they were catalog items.
To be fair, the local (Sausalito) store has some employees I've relied on for advice many times over the years. Recently a well-respected former manager has returned to straighten the store out, and we have high hopes. But the bean counters need to stop pinching pennies at the cost of West Marine's reputation.
Defender is known for having the lowest price and not much service. It's the only catalog I know that publishes the manufacturers' phone numbers for most items, so Defender won't have to answer phone questions.
My recommendation is to take the Defender catalog to West Marine and get price matches.
- Walt