A few years ago I was motoring my CD25 on a 30 mile passage on Lake Erie. At the time I estimated the waves at eight feet. I really don’t know how big they were but I was impressed. I did NOT have a problem with the prop coming out of the water, but a couple of times at the bottom of a particularly big wave the water would rise a little too high in the well and the engine sputter and nearly stall. It did not stall and we completed the passage with no looses except for our lunch.
I’m not sure just what it was that was getting wet, but after that experience I worry more about my outboard at the bottom of the waves than at the top. Do any of you have any insights or similar experiences?
Bruce Bett
CD 25 #496
Michael Bowden wrote: Hi Listers,
I'm considering a CD in the 25D to 27 range as my next boat. Can anyone speak as to the pros and cons of a Yanmar 1GM in the 25D and 27 as opposed to a 10hp outboard in the 26 transom well? The diesel has great fuel mileage, a huge alternator, and lower weight in the hull. However, I read the single cylinder 1GM is taxed pushing the 25, and undersized for the 27. On the 26, the outboard is easily replaced or serviced, but must be a bit inconvienient to use tucked away in it's well, and the prop sits near the waterline.
Also, does having the motor well in the 26 compromise on cockpit size?
I notice the CD25D and 26 are close in displacement, would a 10 hp 4 stroke in the 26 push the boat better than the 1GM in the 25D? I wonder if both boats have about the same sailing caracteristics, given alike sails.