Loren, You Just - - -

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Oswego John
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Loren, You Just - - -

Post by Oswego John »

- - may get your wish. Your last post said that you wanted to get a snow day off from school more than the pupils wanted one.

I just watched the National Weather Channel for this area. Guess what? :D (very big grin).

It stated that a heavy lake effect band was headed for ground zero, Chaumont, NY. Temperature will hover around 0° F with wind chill factor around -20° F. Snowfall is expected to be 4"-5" per hour. Prepare for whiteouts and treacherous driving conditions.

The band is expected to waver between Henderson Harbour, NY and Kingston, Ont. until sometime Monday morning. I suppose that it's already started.

So gas up the snow machine and have some fine sledding. See you at the winter meeting.

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get the generator ready

Post by chase »


Hope the winter weather does not interfere with your game viewing tonight. :wink:

Go Colts!!

Oswego John
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Super Bowl A Must

Post by Oswego John »


You've got that right. Go Colts

And besides, Loren is an inch on the map farther north. We're pretty safe this time. He's gonna get socked in for a day or so. We can handle anything that's thrown at us.

I know just about where my boats are out in the yard. I took GPS readings on them last fall. They look like white Indian burial mounds somewhere out there. :D

Go blue, Time to start a new dynasty.
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Post by Loren »

So far the worst of it has been just north of me but we have enjoyed?? 15 - 35 mph winds all day and nearly a foot of snow. A number of schools in the Watertown area have already closed for Monday. I'm sure the cover on Whippoorwill is getting tested. The lake effect is forecast to move our way overnight so time will tell.
I am missing a little card playing and football watching at a friends house because I decided not to go out in this. We're warm and lots of food around so let it snow!

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s.v. LaVida
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snow bound

Post by s.v. LaVida »

You guys are so in for it!

as usual olcott has missed the brunt of it and we sent it east to you guys!

Hope the hearth is warm and your toes toasty.

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Snow ?

Post by bill2 »


SE Pennsylvania

Temperature the next 60 hours:
near zero @ night & high teens daytime

14 of last 16 days

Total accumulation for the winter:
2.5 " ( as in inches ! )

warm and toasty while the Colts romp - priceless
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Post by Loren »


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s.v. LaVida
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Post by s.v. LaVida »

Snow day on Eastern Lake Ontario, my kid is jumping for joy and the furnace ran all night!
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Joe Peladeau
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Post by Joe Peladeau »

I see everyone is still getting socked on the east end of the lake. Thought I'd let you know that on the Canadian west end (near Hamilton) there is virtually no snow.

The danger in this is that, since this is my first year with the CD, I keep running out to the boat to check on it because of the cold and strong winds.

Every time I do I find some excuse for checking off another refit item from my list. I've now bought a new furler for the yankee, a couple of new oriental rugs for the cabin sole (what was I thinking... I don't even have used oriental rugs in the house), a new mainsheet traveller car and mast wedges (weren't any wedges when I got the boat and I'm thinking this is likely not good).

Went out to the boat again today and thought, Wow!.... wouldn't a new remote spot look smart. Somebody stop me please!

Wish it was summer.... it would be cheaper 'cause I'd just be out sailing instead of at the chandleries.

Oh well... Stay cozy.
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