Sheet Length for Typhoon

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Sheet Length for Typhoon

Post by Stephen »


Was wondering if someone could help me determine the rope length for Jib and Genoa sheets for my Typhoon Weekender.

I have bought a used Typhoon and am replacing all of the lines. The owners manual listed lenghts seem real to me (20 ft. for the Jib, etc.) Do they mean 20 ft. on each side. 40 ft. total.

If someone could help I would appreciate it.

Neil Gordon

Re: Sheet Length for Typhoon

Post by Neil Gordon »

>>The owners manual listed lenghts seem real to me (20 ft. for the Jib, etc.) Do they mean 20 ft. on each side. 40 ft. total.<<

Yes... the length is for a single sheet, one side. About a boat length does it. A little longer is better than too short... if the ends wear you can cut the line a little shorter and still have enough.

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
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