Need Cape Dory 10 info

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Paul Gavaza
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Need Cape Dory 10 info

Post by Paul Gavaza »

Does anyone have any info on the thickness, and materials in the centerboard and rudder for the CD 10.

I have the outside dimensions, but not the thickness of the rudder and also I have a question about whaether the centerboard is steel or wood.

Thanks.... Paul Gavaza
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Steve Laume
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Post by Steve Laume »

Oh boy, the rudder is easy. It is 1/2 inch mahogany plywood with the edges rounder over a bit all the way around. Ta da, your are done, and have an original rudder. The center board is a beautiful piece of work that should always be tied into the boat. The reason it should be tied in is that it is very heavy and if the boat is overturned it is gone. It is constructed of fiberglass over a lead core in the bottom part judging from the weight and balance. It has a nice foil shape and two little semi-circular protrutions that ride in the slot in your trunk. If you are going to accuratly reprodce it, it seems like you would really need to get ahold of one and pull off a mold. It seems like a short centerboad for this little boat so I would not compromise on the weight, Steve.
Paul Gavaza
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CD 10 Centerboard

Post by Paul Gavaza »

Thanks much for the reply.

I was afraid that the CB would be complex. Any chance you know it's weight? My thought is that 3/8"steel plate weighs 16 lbs/ft and 1/2' weighs 20 lbs. etc. I wonder if it may be steel inside glass.

I bought the boat years ago as a bare boat and have since found a Gunter rig.

The outstanding items are CB and rudder.

It may be best to try and buy one from RobinHood marine at this point.

Thanks again... Paul Gavaza
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Steve Laume
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Post by Steve Laume »

Hi Paul, I don't think there is a steel plate in there. The weight is such that the board is much heavier at the bottom. Like I said it is a nice piece of work but not as easy to reproduce as a flat board. The CD-14 has a plain 1/4 in. steel plate for a board. The CD-10 would need that weight at the bottom of a very short board other wise you could make a wooden one. It would be great if someone would make up molds for these things and make them available. Best of luck, Steve.
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Ed Haley
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CB for CD10

Post by Ed Haley »

I don't see why you couldn't use a 1/4 inch or thicker aluminum plate and simply trace a pattern on it and cut it to the shape of the centerboard. You could even encase it in fiberglass if you want to get fancy.

Either the rudder or the CB would be a fun project if you like working with boats. Any one of us CD10 owners could send photos with measurements to assist you in the details.

rudder for cd10

Post by »

Hi Ed I have read your message and would love to have a tracing to scale of the cd 10 rudder and tiller. I had no luck with robinhood marine. My cd 10 is almost fully restored, but no luck with a rudder shape,thanks for your help.


Post by Guest »

Any luck getting a source for the rudder, tiller and centerboard?

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Dick Villamil
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CD 10 centerboard

Post by Dick Villamil »

The CD 10 centerboard has 5 pounds of weight molded into the bottom - probably steel . I can provide a photo and dimensionf if needed. :D
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