hot water heater revisited on cd 36

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charlie palumbo

hot water heater revisited on cd 36

Post by charlie palumbo »

Hello all,
From time to time there have been several posts regarding the removal of a water heater. My question is, has anybody installed a new six gallon unit on a cd 36? If so what unit did you use?

Charlie....cd36 N.Y.
Al Levesque

Re: hot water heater revisited on cd 36

Post by Al Levesque »

charlie palumbo wrote: ..... My question is, has anybody installed a new six gallon unit on a cd 36? If so what unit did you use?
We had the water heater changed by the yard in our CD33. We had them install the 5.6 gallon Allcraft V-5SS. We don't know how they got the 14.25 inch diameter by 14.25 inch high tank into the locker but they did it without changing the opening.

I notice that the 9.3 and the 12.2 gallon versions of the water heater also have 14.25 inch diameters and this leads to speculation that if the top and bottom covers of the shell are removed the shell may collapse enough to get them into our lockers.

I am guessing that the CD36 locker is not very different from the 33.
Good luck.
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