
Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Bob Dane


Post by Bob Dane »

Has anyone run across any tactics or products that help reduce the level of spiders on boats keep in water at marinas. Each time I visit and use my CD 25 I spend 15 minutes clearing them away and inevitably get surprised by many others popping out at inopportune times while underway. Yuch!

Neil Gordon

Re: Spiders!!!

Post by Neil Gordon »

Spiders fall into the same category as snakes; they're better to have than whatever it is they're eating. Get rid of their food supply and they'll find somewhere else to live.

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167

Gary L.

Re: Spiders!!!

Post by Gary L. »

Neil Gordon wrote: Spiders fall into the same category as snakes; they're better to have than whatever it is they're eating. Get rid of their food supply and they'll find somewhere else to live.

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167

Neil is right. Depending upon the type of spiders you may have. Black widows and Brown Recluses like drak areas that are somewhat moist. If your marina, mooring is prone to flying insects such as mosquitoes, gnats, flies, etc. spiders will work their way aboard.
work some insect spray with deet in lower dark areas, and that should work.

Gary Lapine
Red Witch III
CD30C, #339


I hate spiders

Post by mike »


I have the same problem, seems hundreds invade LaVida when I leave her.

I have found the best way to rid yourself of them topside is to wait till there is a fair wind running across the boat, then use ample sprays of raid so it drifts downwind into their webs. Kills them dead and the spray residue seems to keep them away for a week or so. Only bad point is now you have to clean their webs off!

Another trick I learned with skeeters and other pests is to give each screen a light spray of Raid or Off, keeps the little ones from crawling into the gaps in Spartan's $30.00 screens.

Happy hunting!

fair seas,
Bob Dane wrote: Has anyone run across any tactics or products that help reduce the level of spiders on boats keep in water at marinas. Each time I visit and use my CD 25 I spend 15 minutes clearing them away and inevitably get surprised by many others popping out at inopportune times while underway. Yuch!


Re: Spiders!!!

Post by Terry »

Bob Dane wrote: Has anyone run across any tactics or products that help reduce the level of spiders on boats keep in water at marinas. Each time I visit and use my CD 25 I spend 15 minutes clearing them away and inevitably get surprised by many others popping out at inopportune times while underway. Yuch!
I have experienced this problem on the Northern Chesapeake and did some investigating a year ago. I noticed the further south I went the less they were in existance!. I asked local slip holders as well at the various locations I visited and again the farther south I asked the more they wondered what I was talking about.
Obviously the salinity is a major factor. But I think it is the neighboring shoreline makeup that directly contributes to the spider population. Ie the fresher the water, the less salt marsh and the greater the hardwoods. With more hardwood shorelines the spider population mushrooms.
I found that getting below Pooles Island in the Bay is a big demarcation line. By the time one hits Oxford, no one has ever heard of the problem.


Re: Spiders!!!

Post by Bill »

Well I dont know about the further south you go, but maybe the hardwoods thing.

I am 35 degrees N and believe me they are a nightmare on my boat. We have ample hardwoods too. If you have a solution let me know...They poop all over the boat and it is damn hard to remove.


Terry wrote:
Bob Dane wrote: Has anyone run across any tactics or products that help reduce the level of spiders on boats keep in water at marinas. Each time I visit and use my CD 25 I spend 15 minutes clearing them away and inevitably get surprised by many others popping out at inopportune times while underway. Yuch!
I have experienced this problem on the Northern Chesapeake and did some investigating a year ago. I noticed the further south I went the less they were in existance!. I asked local slip holders as well at the various locations I visited and again the farther south I asked the more they wondered what I was talking about.
Obviously the salinity is a major factor. But I think it is the neighboring shoreline makeup that directly contributes to the spider population. Ie the fresher the water, the less salt marsh and the greater the hardwoods. With more hardwood shorelines the spider population mushrooms.
I found that getting below Pooles Island in the Bay is a big demarcation line. By the time one hits Oxford, no one has ever heard of the problem.

Mike L.

Re: Spiders!!!

Post by Mike L. »

It is amazing how prolific they are. A weekly cleaning of the deck and cockpit results in the same number present the following week. Last weekend I witnessed one spider eating another on deck. After the waterborne insect hatches are over for the season they apparently chow down on each other until only a few well fed gladiators are left to overwinter. I have always been one to scoop up a spider and throw him outdoors or dangle one from his web in order to deposit on the dock. It probably takes them about 15 minutes to find a mooring line and be back on board. My wife on the otherhand is a merciless murder of the creatures as I see evidence of there squished little bodies quite frequently. I have recently learned that many cultures believe that killing a spider is bad luck especially in the area of future financial gain. If that's true, my wife is probably to blame for the current state of the stock market.


Re: Spiders!!!

Post by Terry »

Bill wrote: Well I dont know about the further south you go, but maybe the hardwoods thing.

I am 35 degrees N and believe me they are a nightmare on my boat. We have ample hardwoods too. If you have a solution let me know...They poop all over the boat and it is damn hard to remove.


It is not the latitude but the salinity of the water you are on in my non scientfic opinion. That is what determines the shoreline growth. With the hardwoods right up to the edge as in sweet water, they literally spin silk to catch a breeze to catch on anything over the water. Moorings are far from immune. By farther south I meant farther south down the Chesapeake Bay where the salinity level rises. I am in Rock Hall and there are NO thank God spiders. (Just sky high slip rates)and there is salt marsh all around the creeks.
I moved down another hour and half drive time to avoid the mess from the damn things. Now they have turned into slip fees.
Bill wrote:
Terry wrote:
Bob Dane wrote: Has anyone run across any tactics or products that help reduce the level of spiders on boats keep in water at marinas. Each time I visit and use my CD 25 I spend 15 minutes clearing them away and inevitably get surprised by many others popping out at inopportune times while underway. Yuch!
I have experienced this problem on the Northern Chesapeake and did some investigating a year ago. I noticed the further south I went the less they were in existance!. I asked local slip holders as well at the various locations I visited and again the farther south I asked the more they wondered what I was talking about.
Obviously the salinity is a major factor. But I think it is the neighboring shoreline makeup that directly contributes to the spider population. Ie the fresher the water, the less salt marsh and the greater the hardwoods. With more hardwood shorelines the spider population mushrooms.
I found that getting below Pooles Island in the Bay is a big demarcation line. By the time one hits Oxford, no one has ever heard of the problem.

Gary L.

Better Watch Ooutt!

Post by Gary L. »

Bob Dane wrote: Has anyone run across any tactics or products that help reduce the level of spiders on boats keep in water at marinas. Each time I visit and use my CD 25 I spend 15 minutes clearing them away and inevitably get surprised by many others popping out at inopportune times while underway. Yuch!


Went to your web site. Figured out what you need (besides a psychiartrist). A Tarantula. Then you would only have one spider, albeit a big one, to contend with. Actually Tarantulas love to be held and petted like your cat, but then you don't have to feed it. At the end of the sailing season, you can take it home and let it loose to clean up any unwanted pests there.

This gives me an idea. I think I finally found a retirement supplemental income source. Selling Tarantulas to sailors. Just think of the opportunities. Little sailor outfits, deck shoes, etc.

Take care and remember not to sniff too much of Raid.

Gary Lapine
Red Witch III
CD30C, #339
NSOB (No spiders on board)


Re: Spiders!!!

Post by Boyd »

Hi Bob...

I recently had a massive ant invasion on my boat. Tried everything including one of the do it yourself pest control sites. Finally called an ant specialist exterminator. He wouldnt come out just said "Go to Home Depot and get some Ortho Home Defense" I did and havent had a problem since. Should work on spiders. This stuff leaves a residual and keeps on killing. Give it a try and let us know if it works.

s/v Tern
CD 30 MkII
Fort Lauderdale, Fla

Bob Dane wrote: Has anyone run across any tactics or products that help reduce the level of spiders on boats keep in water at marinas. Each time I visit and use my CD 25 I spend 15 minutes clearing them away and inevitably get surprised by many others popping out at inopportune times while underway. Yuch!

Neil Gordon

Re: Better Watch Ooutt!

Post by Neil Gordon »

>>Little sailor outfits, deck shoes, etc.<<

Remember that you have to order 4 pairs of shoes for each little sailor outfit!

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167

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