Marc -- When you're sailing downwind, and the wind becomes too strong to control the boat, as you say, you *must* reduce power. The easiest way to do this is to reef, and then, if necessary, completely drop the mainsail. It is a big part of what is making the boat try to "round up" and broach. I find myself many times sailing downwind under jib alone, and it is much more comfortable. This, however, makes it necessary to sail slightly away from dead downwind, because the the jib requires a little side wind to keep itself filled, unless you use a whisker pole. Dead downwind is very uncomfortable, anyway. Good luck with this.Marc wrote: Hy Randy,
2 weeks ago my sails was set like you said "on the same side" and the wind was coming by back. I near lose control of my boat because i was going too fast. When the wind is on my back i really not sure about the best way to slow down without changing my course. Could you help me with this?
A22 #275
Johnny MacArthur
CD-30C "Stork"
Taos, NM; San Carlos, Mex.