3/4" or 5/8" nylon for mooring pennant on CD22D?

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Moderator: Jim Walsh

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3/4" or 5/8" nylon for mooring pennant on CD22D?

Post by JimS »

Should I use 3/4" or 5/8" nylon for a double mooring pennant on a CD22D? Just bought boat a few months ago and still on the hard. I tried some 3/4" and two lenghts of it on top of one another fit quite snugly around the bow cleat. I'm not sure whether to go to 5/8" so that it would fit less tightly around the bow cleat. Thanks.

Al Levesque

Re: 3/4" or 5/8" nylon for mooring pennant on CD22D?

Post by Al Levesque »

JimS wrote: Should I use 3/4" or 5/8" nylon for a double mooring pennant on a CD22D?...
Our harbor and mooring regulations call for 5/8 for a 22 foot vessel.

Tom G

Re: 3/4" or 5/8" nylon for mooring pennant on CD22D?

Post by Tom G »

JimS wrote: I had a 22 foot Merit for 10 years before I perchased my CD. I used 2, 5/8 with a 1/4 to prevent it slipping off the cleat. I also had a piece of chain shackled to the mooring light chain, that I attached to the Bow eye for storms.

Should I use 3/4" or 5/8" nylon for a double mooring pennant on a CD22D? Just bought boat a few months ago and still on the hard. I tried some 3/4" and two lenghts of it on top of one another fit quite snugly around the bow cleat. I'm not sure whether to go to 5/8" so that it would fit less tightly around the bow cleat. Thanks.

Catherine Monaghan

Re: Yacht Club Mooring Recommendations

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

Here's a helpful guide published by the Atlantic Highlands Yacht Club:

<a href="http://www.ahyc.net/wsmooring.htm">http ... ing.htm</a>

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