Surveyor Recommendation

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Reed Erskine

Surveyor Recommendation

Post by Reed Erskine »

Being a new member of this board, and having gone thru two surveys this summer to find our nice CD31, I thought it might be helpful to folks in the market on the East coast to pass on the name of a surveyor who we found incredibly helpful and effective.

Working out of Manchester CT, Stephen Smith is a former engineer, member of SAMS and AMS. He also sails a Pearson Vanguard, so he's a very hands-on surveyor, who spends between 8 and 12 hours on the boat, including sea trial and engine inspection, and provides a thorough, cogent written report. His prepurchase survey rate is $16/ft. His number is 800 867-9147. He's also patient and forthcoming enough to educate the first time boat buyer as he goes over the boat.
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