New CD 14

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Steve Laume

New CD 14

Post by Steve Laume »

Hi all, I've been watching this board for quite a while after being struck by the beauty and quality reputaion of all the Cape Dory boats. I had hoped to convince my mate that we just couldn't live without a CD 25 but sensability has prevailed for the time being. Finish the house first????? She couldn't argue with bringing home the sweet little CD 14 as a winter project this year. I found the boat on this board and will be looking for information as the project progresses that I am sure will be forthcoming. I have a fairly complete and original boat with a few exceptions. I'll need just the mast. The nifty bronze kick up bracket has been lost and fabricated in SS. It is an increadible piece of craftsmanship but weighs a ton and could work better. The wood work and rigging on the center board trunk is gone and needs to be made up. I will also replace gunnels but they are there to copy. It is a pretty little boat that I can introduce my 11 and 13 year old to sailing in and then turn them lose. Margaret and I would also like to spend some time in the Maine Islands with our perfect little beach cruiser. I am sure to have questions later but what would be most helpful is if anyone has a CD 14 within easy driving distance to take measurements. I am in North East CT. Thank you all and enjoy the fall breezes.
Steve Laume
CD 14 #98
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