Berth open for Sail for America

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Don Carr

Berth open for Sail for America

Post by Don Carr »

I have an open slot for crew to Sail for America on my CD25 'Lolita'.
Itenerary: Mystic Ct-Pt. Jeff 9/12/02. Pt Jeff - Manhasset YC 9/13/02.
Participate in 9/14/02 events in NY harbor. Overnight at Manhasset YC. View start of 'Around Alone Race' 9/15 then depart for Milford Ct. Return leg on 9/16 from Milford to Mystic.

Email me at indicated e-mail or phone- 860-665-7710.

Fair winds.
Don Carr
s/v Lolita-Noank Ct
Ed Haley

Re: Berth open for Sail for America

Post by Ed Haley »

Gee, Don:

You are alive after all. You gave me a spot on your Lolita for the Soundings race and then disappeared from the face of the Earth, at least to my emails. What happened?

Ed Haley
s/v Mokita
CD330 #1
Kingston, ON
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