electric windlass cd28

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Hugh Kelly

electric windlass cd28

Post by Hugh Kelly »

I am getting worn by the years,too.I replaced original winches with 30,s.Imoved 16.s to the mast because the bronze looks so great....THEN it dawned over my hoary crown....HAUL THE ANCHOR with the greater mechanical advantaged starboard winch.now situated on the mast......avoiding the task you so ably assessed ....Ihope this helps....

Neil Gordon

Re: electric windlass cd28

Post by Neil Gordon »

>>HAUL THE ANCHOR with the greater mechanical advantaged starboard winch.now situated on the mast...<<

I agree with the mechanical advantage. But what about the 30' of chain? Why not take the anchor rode to a cockpit winch?

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167

Hugh Kelly

Re: electric windlass cd28

Post by Hugh Kelly »

NEIL,typing terrible...Youmay use cockpit winch to haul anchor...but forward winch avoids topside damage and mud and itsa better fairlead to the bow...but a heavier load sh be hauled by said anchor,probably...slainte hugh

Ken Cave

Re: electric windlass cd28

Post by Ken Cave »

My boat has a Maxwell 500 windlass with approximately 300 feet of chain with two controls for launching your anchor-one mounted in the cockpit, and a control unit in the pointy end of the boat for a plug in unit. The engineer that did the work on this unit said that foot switches are a big no-no as they will eventually leak!

Have used this unit for two plus years, and would not part with it for any amount of money!!

Hope this helps

Ken Cave
CD 28 #227 "Dragon Tale"
Anacortes, WA

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