Typhoon Spinnaker, How is it rigged?

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Mike Raehl

Typhoon Spinnaker, How is it rigged?

Post by Mike Raehl »

I've been sailing my "new" Typhoon this season and would like to try flying the spinnaker that came with the boat. Any advice on how it is rigged and how to raise and lower it would be appreciated. My spinnaker was made by Sails USA and appears to be asymetrical with five radial panels at the top and two cross cut panels at the bottom. The head has a halyard swivel. The port (red) and the stabboard (green) clews are the same except there is a single,large hank on the sail edge six inches above the port clew. Sheets are a shorter, red line with a snap shackle and a longer, green line with no shackles. No spinnaker pole nor track / ring on the mast. The boat has two blocks on the stern near the cleat and the motor mount, a single jib halyard and a topping lift. So how does this all work together and is it too much for single handing?
Mike Raehl
Roberta Jane II, Ty #1958
Piermont, NY

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