CD25 Spinaker and storm sail dimensions

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CD25 Spinaker and storm sail dimensions

Post by Gerry/BarracudaCD25 »

Last Friday we were sailing back to the harbor down wind with genoa and main. I aked my son if we should sail wing and wing. Then I thought lets take down the main, tack the jib, sheet her in and hall her up with the spinaker halyard and pole her out with the whisker pole. The wind started piping up to 10-15 knots. What fun! We were flying. I would like to get a spinaker but what size? Also as I sail in November and December one day winds were 25 knots gusting to 40. Jib and reefed main were ok but even though I love it, I get tired of heeling over with the rail in the water. Easing the main is fine and have also tried sailing with just the jib up. What size storm sail would be good to have. Saw a post with 34 sq ft. Some one also mentioned 25 sq ft. Thanks

s/v Barracuda CD25
Potomac River
Mike Oldenburg

Re: CD25 Spinaker and storm sail dimensions

Post by Mike Oldenburg »

I Just bought a Cape Dory 25 and it came with a storm jib I haven't tried it yet.. I re-packed it in the bag so it'll be ready: I could look to see what it says on the bag..... let me know .. Mike

Last Friday we were sailing back to the harbor down wind with genoa and main. I aked my son if we should sail wing and wing. Then I thought lets take down the main, tack the jib, sheet her in and hall her up with the spinaker halyard and pole her out with the whisker pole. The wind started piping up to 10-15 knots. What fun! We were flying. I would like to get a spinaker but what size? Also as I sail in November and December one day winds were 25 knots gusting to 40. Jib and reefed main were ok but even though I love it, I get tired of heeling over with the rail in the water. Easing the main is fine and have also tried sailing with just the jib up. What size storm sail would be good to have. Saw a post with 34 sq ft. Some one also mentioned 25 sq ft. Thanks
Gerry/BarracudaCD25 wrote: Gerry
s/v Barracuda CD25
Potomac River
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