Thompsons Watersealer use?

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Doug Powell

Thompsons Watersealer use?

Post by Doug Powell »

Has anybody used it on their teak with good results? I know it works well on other wood that is in the weather.
Larry DeMers

Re: Thompsons Watersealer use?

Post by Larry DeMers »

Yeah..maybe for two weeks! That stuff has to be reapplied -to my deck at home- about every month up here in Wisc. Add a little more sun and salt in a marine environment, and...well, noway would I put that on my teak. In my opinion, it is almost a useless product for wood as there are many products that seem superior to it ..specificly products from Sikkens and others. (now I have read about it working on canvas as water protection).

If you want to treat teak properly, use Cetol or Armada, in the manner discussed here several times in the past. It works for a full year up here in the 'northern tropics'..several years in some cases such as our coaming boards, before recoating is required. I have talked with a sailor that spent 5 years down in Venezuela, another couple that just returned from Johannesburgh, and they all use Cetol on their teak. It has a faster reapplication time interval down that far south, but it still works head and shoulders above other products.

Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30

Doug Powell wrote: Has anybody used it on their teak with good results? I know it works well on other wood that is in the weather.
Richard Hill

Re: Thompsons Watersealer use?

Post by Richard Hill »

Yeah, I'll second that. If you live in the South, the sun will destroy just about anything in short order. I put on Cetol Light, followed by Cetol Gloss, and 2 years later, with NO maintenance, it still looks good. I plan on a maintenance coat soon, however. After trying all the miracle treatments (Except Bristol Finish and Honey Teak) Cetol looks pretty good, since it works. A friend of mine uses Honey Teak, and it has held up pretty well, but is deteriorating after 2-3 years, and he has a hell of a job on his hands now to renovate it. FWIW.
Larry DeMers wrote: Yeah..maybe for two weeks! That stuff has to be reapplied -to my deck at home- about every month up here in Wisc. Add a little more sun and salt in a marine environment, and...well, noway would I put that on my teak. In my opinion, it is almost a useless product for wood as there are many products that seem superior to it ..specificly products from Sikkens and others. (now I have read about it working on canvas as water protection).

If you want to treat teak properly, use Cetol or Armada, in the manner discussed here several times in the past. It works for a full year up here in the 'northern tropics'..several years in some cases such as our coaming boards, before recoating is required. I have talked with a sailor that spent 5 years down in Venezuela, another couple that just returned from Johannesburgh, and they all use Cetol on their teak. It has a faster reapplication time interval down that far south, but it still works head and shoulders above other products.

Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30

Doug Powell wrote: Has anybody used it on their teak with good results? I know it works well on other wood that is in the weather.
Serge Zimberoff

Re: Thompsons Watersealer use?

Post by Serge Zimberoff »

Just got back but IMHO it shouldn't be used in any circumstances, much less on the water. Just my 2cents.
Ty #1700 'Cloning Around'
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