Any suggestions on what product to use on repairing the nonskid area on the floor and sides on a Cape Dory 10? Some of it is flaking off and the fiberglass mat is exposed. I am probably wrong in calling it nonskid but 10 and 14 owners know what I am talking about- it's that gritty stuff that is flaking off like paint. It almost looks like paint with a sand additive. Also how much should I be worried about the fiberglass mat being exposed. I probably will repaint the interior to Cape Dory powder blue so color matching should not be a problem.
Thank you- Ken.
Deck repair CD10
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Deck repair CD10
Ken wrote: Ken, I believe you can buy the proper paint at a marina store. If not they can probabley lead you in the right direction. I just repainted my CD10 last Season. though I used a different paint ( my interior was fine.) I do believe there is paint that has that in it, available. I will be talking with a friend at a marine store soon, I'll ask him about it and get back to you. If you're in the area,(New England) Let's hook up and go sailing the CD10s together. CJ-