Small leak, port side/CD28

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Small leak, port side/CD28

Post by Bill »

I have a small leak on the port side over the two-board shelf which is behind the stove. After a rain, some droplets form and drip down on the shelf. We keep a permanent small sponge there to capture the drops, and traced the leak to within 18" of the fibreglass "tunnel" which exists above the shelf and currently has the forward light wires inside. While I was in calm waters for a few days I poured water in various spots (indepen) to try and isolate the leak. All areas on the deck were doused. Could the water be coming down the mast, taking a roundabout route to where it exits? Has anyone with a CD had this scenario? Very frustrating. Although it is a small amount, even after a hard rain, I hate all leaks! Scanned the archives, but no cigar. Bill ... CD28

Re: Small leak, port side/CD28

Post by PatO »

I'd check the port or the coaming to see if either needs rebeding. From the mast to the galley seems a long way for water to travel w/o showing somewhere in between.

Ken Cave

Re: Small leak, port side/CD28

Post by Ken Cave »

Same Problem!

I pulled off the sliding hatch cover only to find all sorts of stuff that had been accumulating under the cover for the past 30 plus years. I clean it out, then re-caulked anything that looked liked it might leak (like everything!) then put it all back together.

Been through some real snot this summer, and no leaks!!

Ken Cave
CD 28 #227 (Dragon Tale)
Anacortes, WA
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