Cockpit awning for a CD28

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Warren Moore

Cockpit awning for a CD28

Post by Warren Moore »

I am thinking about getting an awning for the cockpit of my CD28. I have seen some in catologs at different prices but not sure they will work on a CD28. I would be interested in what people on this site do for shade on their boats.
Warren Moore
CD28 Crisscross
Gary McDonough

Re: Cockpit awning for a CD28

Post by Gary McDonough »


My 30' cutter has a sun awning that zips onto the aft end of the dodger. The aft end of the awning has a pole in so it will keep its shape. It is then attached to the backstay to keep it level and one line on each end of the pole get tied to the stern pulpit.

It's great at a mooring or anchorage but can't be used underway because of its height.

BTW, my boat is for sale. Buy it and I'll throw the awning in free of charge.

Neil Gordon

Re: Cockpit awning for a CD28

Post by Neil Gordon »

We have a sunbrella awning that goes over the boom. The aft end is split so that it goes around the topping lift. The corners on the aft end have pockets sewn into them... for inserting a pole (I use a boathook) to keep the ends up. The aft end is tied to the backstay, each poled out end is tied to the stern rail and the two fwd corners are tied to the lifelines.

Seems it would be easy enough to make one... I'd use an old bedsheet tossed over the boom as a template for the right size before you start ordering/cutting/sewing sunbrella.

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
Finlay Smith

Re: Cockpit awning for a CD28

Post by Finlay Smith »

Check out Sailrite Catalog. They have an area devoted to awnings.
Consider using Otis Permisol, a treated canvas, instead of Sunbrella. It is more resistant to mildew, chafe and cost roughly half as much. It only comes in 2 colors...natural is best...
We have had ours for 6 years and it has held up quite well.

Warren Moore wrote: I am thinking about getting an awning for the cockpit of my CD28. I have seen some in catologs at different prices but not sure they will work on a CD28. I would be interested in what people on this site do for shade on their boats.
Warren Moore
CD28 Crisscross
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