boat names

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boat names

Post by Ken »

Some time ago I came across a book that had hundreds of salty names for a boat plus the history or legend behind the name. Can't rember the name of the book or locate it-Anyone have a name, author, and publisher?

Bill Michne

Re: boat names

Post by Bill Michne »

Ken wrote: Some time ago I came across a book that had hundreds of salty names for a boat plus the history or legend behind the name. Can't rember the name of the book or locate it-Anyone have a name, author, and publisher?


I thought I saw that through BoatUS. They have a database of all the names they've made transfer graphics for. I prefer to come up with my own names (I'm on boat no. 6, and holding!). My current boat name is Mintaka, which I thought nobody else had used. After it was documented I read an article in Cruising World. The subject isn't important but I'm sure you can guess the name of the boat featured in the article.
Mintaka CD40 #007
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