kill switch/volvo md7a

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Jody Kaplan

kill switch/volvo md7a

Post by Jody Kaplan »

Hi all , amazingly Cygnus is finally launched(better late than never). After bleeding the engine etc. The engine started,but would not restart . Noted the kill switch cable is toasted ,kinking ,shutting down fuel . Anybody replaced one , and know the size etc. Thanks ,Jody K(Cygnus-30)
Dale W.

Re: kill switch/volvo md7a

Post by Dale W. »

Yes, the cable can present problems. Remove and replace is not difficult, but maintenance may work. First lubricate, and second assure smooth curves for the length of the run. Support (tie it up) to assure a smooth curve for the first few feet from the knob is important. Not being 'smooshed' in the locker helps.

When my handle broke off, I replaced mine with a Yanmar cable. This cable is twisted wire and does not push like solid wire, so I put a spring on the assembly on the side of the engine. It works fine . . . but same thing smooth curves and lubrication is required.

The attachment to the engine is quite simple once you get to it. I have a friend (different make but same shut-off mechanism) who looked at that and decided that mounting the shut-off wire and knob low on the port side of companion way hatch would work better.

I can't say he's wrong. The run for the cable is now about straight and less than 4 feet. It works easily and is out of the weather. You do have to reach in to turn it off, but that's not been a problem.

Good luck,

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