What Size Mushroom Should I use to moor my Ty Weekender?

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What Size Mushroom Should I use to moor my Ty Weekender?

Post by Keyen »

Hi everyone,
I just got a Ty weekender and am looking to moor it. Is a 75lb mushroom enough because I have it and don't want to buy another one. What would you guys reccomend?


Re: What Size Mushroom Should I use to moor my Ty Weekender?

Post by Dave »

It depends on where you are keeping her and what the conditions are going to be there. If it can chop up at all I would say that you should put down a hundred and fifty pound mushroom with 3/8" or 1/2: chain. I like to go big for this kind of stuff. It's cheep insurance to keep your boat of the rocks. Last year there was a boat that draged it's mushroom acrose the cove and up on the rocks because the ground tackle was undersized. The owner had her for four days and she was totaled. If you think that mushroom is going to be big enought, I would weight down the shaft to increase the holding power and welcome to the CD club.

CD25 R&R
Gloucester, Ma

Keyen wrote: Hi everyone,
I just got a Ty weekender and am looking to moor it. Is a 75lb mushroom enough because I have it and don't want to buy another one. What would you guys reccomend?

Ken Coit


Post by Ken Coit »

Don't you hate people who answer that way?

If you are going to moor in an existing field, the people who run it will have strong views about what is sufficient. If you are not going to moor in a public field, then maybe you ought to find one nearby and ask what they recommend in your area. The bottom may not be soft enough to use a mushroom at all, but you probably know it is.

That said, I used a 100# mushroom on a Lightning and a Catalina 22 at Massabesic Lake in NH many years ago; I can't imagine that the Typhoon provides any more surface area than the Catalina. The mooring field was quite protected on two sides, but not to the northeast. It worked fine in lots of mud.

Keep on sailing,

Ken Coit, ND7N
CD/14 #538
CD/36 #84 Parfait
Hailing Port: Raleigh, NC
Sailing from: Beaufort, NC

Keyen wrote: Hi everyone,
I just got a Ty weekender and am looking to moor it. Is a 75lb mushroom enough because I have it and don't want to buy another one. What would you guys reccomend?


Re: What Size Mushroom Should I use to moor my Ty Weekender?

Post by Jim »

I had a 150# mushroom for my typhoon. I had 5/8" lower chain and 3/8" upper chain--had good holding power. Never dragged in over 7 years. Mud/sandy bottom. In a not well protected harbor location. I would not go <150#. Make sure that you have adequate scope and that mushroom has been properly set. I just upgraded my mushroom to 250# because I now own a CD22D.

Keyen wrote: Hi everyone,
I just got a Ty weekender and am looking to moor it. Is a 75lb mushroom enough because I have it and don't want to buy another one. What would you guys reccomend?


Re: What Size Mushroom Should I use to moor my Ty Weekender?

Post by Joel »

FWIW My marina recommends 10 pounds of mushroom for each foot of LOA, So I use a 200 pounder with my Ty. We're in a sheltered cove off of western Long Island Sound, which is itself by definition sheltered when you are as far west as we.

Enjoy your Ty!

Pokey II (still for sale)
'73 Ty #549
Bayside, NY

John B

Re: What Size Mushroom Should I use to moor my Ty Weekender?

Post by John B »

The harbormaster which governs the mooring area where I keep my Ty requires 150#. For the few extra bucks I bumped it to 200#. The area is on the south shore of Cape Cod and protected except for the southeast.
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