27 questions: Is there any way to tell in advance what the

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Tod Mills

27 questions: Is there any way to tell in advance what the

Post by Tod Mills »

finish will be in the cabin? I've noticed that some boats have a dark, grainy look while others have a lighter, finer grained look (like mahogany, I think). Is there a certain block of hull numbers that used the mahogany finish (which I prefer) or was the change intermittant?

Also, regarding osmotic blistering: Are there certain years that were more prone to blistering? Were there changes in the type of resin over the years?

My guess is that an inboard would be much preferred on a 27 over an outboard because, I'm guessing, that an outboard would be hard to keep immersed in a chop because of the overhangs? Is this correct, or does anyone use an outboard on a 27? Kinda hate to spoil the looks of that beautiful transom though....

Thanks in advance,

Tod Mills

Tod Mills

Also, how long are the berths?

Post by Tod Mills »

I'm a little over 6' tall and find that 6'-6" is about the minimum for good snoozing....

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