First Meeting, Tidewater Cape Dory Owners, a great start!

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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John M Freeman

First Meeting, Tidewater Cape Dory Owners, a great start!

Post by John M Freeman »

Just thought I'd post this to let the Cape Dory Community know that a new fleet has formed. After much work, many emails, alot of postings here and many flyers posted at local marinas, it all came together at the Surfrider Restaurant last night. There were 4 Cape Dorys represented, the Ambuscade, crewed by Tom Grant and Andrea Kline, Charisma, crewed by Michael Pumphrey and Elizabeth Biddle, Cul-De-Sac, single handed by Jeff Funston, and Nanook, crewed by John and Beth Freeman with George Runkle. A good time was had by all, and plenty of sea stories were swapped over a few pints. I was quite pleased with the turn out we had and that those that came were all excited about the group. All crews were part of the CDSOA or had applications to submit, and am now waiting to get with Al Lawton about formal recognition of our group. Does anyone have a new number for him? I called the number on the CDSOA page and it didn't go through. Am urging any and all Cape Dorys in the Lower section of the Chesapeake Bay to come sail with us. We have a website I've thrown together, Our first big sail will be over the Labor Day weekend to the Kiptopeake State Park anchorage. Fair Winds, thanks to all those that helped me get this together,

John M Freeman
S/V Nanook
CD25, #287
Portsmouth, VA
Leo MacDonald CD33


Post by Leo MacDonald CD33 »

Good work CD'ers!! Welcome to the CDSOA!!

Your work has been rewarded. You and the rest of the Tidewater Fleet will enjoy many years of sail & camaraderie together and with other CD'ers up AND down the East & Gulf Coasts!

Welcome Aboard!

Fair Winds,
Leo MacDonald
S/V 'Evening Light' CD33 #38
Groton, CT
NE Fleet LT [& gopher to the NE Fleet Captain]
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