Cape Dory Yanmar re-build

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Peter Luquer

Cape Dory Yanmar re-build

Post by Peter Luquer »

I recently put a bid on a 1977 27' CD and the seller and I agreed on a price ($18,000). My surveyor however noticed water in the oil. The engine is the original Yanmar 8 hp. I am really disapointed as I really like this boat and was ready to buy her.

Can anyone give advice on re-building or replacing this engine?? If the owner agree's to come down in price, how much do you think I can talk him down to augment the cost of a re-build or replacement.

If replacing, should I look at a different engine??

Any help appreciated,


Re: Cape Dory Yanmar re-build

Post by Bill »


I IMHO the CD 27 is the most beautiful boat in the Cape Dory Fleet no questions asked....However, I believe that the 8 HP Yanmar is just too small for the boat....If you are going to re-build/replace, then do so with a larger engine...

again, Just my humble opinion......

Fair Winds

Captain Commanding
S/V Rhapsody (the Original)
CD25D #148
Oklahoma Contingent if the NE Fleet, CDSOA, Inc
Galley Wench S/V Evening Light
<b><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE="+2">Gunnery Officer S/V Evening Light</B></font>
<B><font size="+3">Grey Beard</b></Font>
<A HREF="">Kerr Lake, OK (Oklahoma's Outlet to the Sea)</A>
Peter Luquer wrote: I recently put a bid on a 1977 27' CD and the seller and I agreed on a price ($18,000). My surveyor however noticed water in the oil. The engine is the original Yanmar 8 hp. I am really disapointed as I really like this boat and was ready to buy her.

Can anyone give advice on re-building or replacing this engine?? If the owner agree's to come down in price, how much do you think I can talk him down to augment the cost of a re-build or replacement.

If replacing, should I look at a different engine??

Any help appreciated,

Ken Cave

Re: Cape Dory Yanmar re-build

Post by Ken Cave »

Sounds like you have a raw water cooled engine! Which means, the jacket is gone, leaking water into the engine.

To re-power is mighty expensive as the new engines somehow do not fit into our "old" boats. Now, the folks out there build the engines with the flywheel mounted on the rear, which causes big problems in mounting the engine.

I just replaced my MD7A Volvo with a new Volvo 2020 and had to reposition the steps six inches to make the engine fit!!

See a honest dealer first, and find out what it is going to cost to re-power before you purchase the boat.

If the boat is in bristol condition, I just might be worth the price!

Ken Cave
CD 28 #227
Anacortes, WA
Bob B

Re: Cape Dory Yanmar re-build

Post by Bob B »

I had a CD27 with the 8hp Yanmar. When I bought it there was little compression left and I was able to operate it for a year before having to have it rebuilt. Then, the bill was about $2,000. It seemed like alot at the time but was still cheaper than getting a new engine. The problem was that I never trusted it after that, which may be good anyway. The 8hp was very underpowered for the 27. If I were to do it again, I would upgrade to a 12-18hp size engine. This way I could move against current without feeling as if I were pushing the engine to its limits. This is not cheap and it may be just one of the things that you will do to get the boat that you want. If everything else checks out on the boat, it may be worth it to you to have the fellow come down what a rebuild would cost and you put the extra in to get an upgraded engine.
Hope it works out. They are great sailing boats.

Bob B.
CD25D Tiva
Charleston, SC
Clay Stalker

Re: Cape Dory Yanmar re-build

Post by Clay Stalker »

Peter Luquer wrote: I recently put a bid on a 1977 27' CD and the seller and I agreed on a price ($18,000). My surveyor however noticed water in the oil. The engine is the original Yanmar 8 hp. I am really disapointed as I really like this boat and was ready to buy her.

Can anyone give advice on re-building or replacing this engine?? If the owner agree's to come down in price, how much do you think I can talk him down to augment the cost of a re-build or replacement.

If replacing, should I look at a different engine??

Any help appreciated,


Tough decision....but if the boat is in otherwise great condition...decks, rigging, sails, etc. you might want to try to get him down another thousand and just bite the bullet and do something yourself about the engine. Also depends on how long you intend to keep the boat. IMHO, if you're going to keep it for at least five years, spend the money and replace to a Yanmar 2GM definately won't be sorry. I have a 2GM 13HP in mine (the original 2GM) and I like it a lot, but could still use a few more ponies...I suspect the 8HP is underpowered as other owners have said this. A rebuild of your will cost at least $2,000, probably more, and you'll still have an underpowered craft. If you can afford it, spend the $9,000 or so for a replacement. It will put you into the upper range for CD27s to be sure, but most of us have put way more $$ into our boats than they'll ever be's just a Cape Dory thing. We love our boats, they hold their value well, and they just don't make em like that anymore for anywhere near the money....The other thing you could do is keep looking....there are lots of 27s out there, and some of the later models have upgraded interiors and larger engines...but for a 1981-84 in nice condition, expect to pay $23-27,000...hope this helps some.

Clay Stalker
CD27 Salsa #247
Bristol, R.I.
Peter Luquer

Re: Cape Dory Yanmar re-build

Post by Peter Luquer »

To all who responded,

Thanks for the responses. Since my surveyor insists the engine is not worth a re-build, I think Clay's advise of replacing it with a 2GM 18 horse engine is the right way to go assuming the owner comes down in price.

Begging your patience, where would one find the 2GM engines. Who would be able to install it in the boat? and or course the big question, how much would this replacement cost????

Thanks again everyone,

yves feder W1UX

Re: Cape Dory Yanmar re-build

Post by yves feder W1UX »

Ken Cave wrote: Sounds like you have a raw water cooled engine! Which means, the jacket is gone, leaking water into the engine.

To re-power is mighty expensive as the new engines somehow do not fit into our "old" boats. Now, the folks out there build the engines with the flywheel mounted on the rear, which causes big problems in mounting the engine.

I just replaced my MD7A Volvo with a new Volvo 2020 and had to reposition the steps six inches to make the engine fit!!

See a honest dealer first, and find out what it is going to cost to re-power before you purchase the boat.

If the boat is in bristol condition, I just might be worth the price!

Ken Cave
CD 28 #227
Anacortes, WA
Hi Ken,

I agree with all the postings I see so far - and having looked into repowering on my CD27 and decided against it - the 8HP runs like a sewing machine and doesn't have any problems. But if it were "shot" I would bite the bullet, **knowing** I would not see the $$$ back! Show specials on the new 2cyl Yanmar run $4,000 - $5,000 - closer to $5K from what I've seen - and having gotten quotes on installation from three very reputable yards in the vicinity of $5K, you know you're dealing with $10K. And perhaps more given prop change, shaft/bearing work which will probably be necessary while the boat's open, etc.etc.

Bill Goldsmith, who posts on this board, has a beautiful CD27 called "Second Chance" (on the Hudson River, NY State) with the new Yanmar and it's a beaut. If you look up his e-mail on the CDSOA list I'll bet he'll be able to give you more info. A really nice and extremely helpful person.

In your area there must be various Yanmar dealers and great yards, don't know them however. Go with the best you can find. Don't skimp on the work, and remember as the others have said here you won't see your $$$ back. I bought my 27 for $14K, it was basically a daysailer, and have spent over $25K on her - and that's without an engine replacement! (We do have a beautiful 3 bladed new prop however which made a substantial difference.)

No way I'll ever see that money back! But I'd rather keep the boat and eventually repower her than sell her real cheap. Love her too much, she's in incredibly sweet sailing boat.

Best of luck!!!!

S/V "Alphee" (18) CD27 #4 (1977)
Larry McAnally

Re: Cape Dory Yanmar re-build

Post by Larry McAnally »

Peter Luquer wrote: I recently put a bid on a 1977 27' CD and the seller and I agreed on a price ($18,000). My surveyor however noticed water in the oil. The engine is the original Yanmar 8 hp. I am really disapointed as I really like this boat and was ready to buy her.
It is possible that water in the oil could be caused by a blown head gasket. If so it is a fairly simple repair on the Yanmar.
I agree with all the good comments on the CD27. It is a very fine boat.
Good luck.
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