Salt Water/Fresh Water Body Soap

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Warren Kaplan

Salt Water/Fresh Water Body Soap

Post by Warren Kaplan »

This is nuts I know but its driving me crazy. When I was on a week's cruise from Ft. Lauderdale to Key Largo and back the captain of that boat had a great soap that would lather up in both salt and fresh water. Fresh water being at a premium aboard a small sailing vessel, the 5 aboard would jump into the water after we anchored for the night and get wet then climb aboard and lather up. We'd just use fresh water to rinse off. I've been to a few marine stores and none of them seem to have anything. Or, perhaps there's some plain old dishwashing detergent that works in salt water too. Any suggestions?

Warren Kaplan
Sine Qua Non
Oyster Bay Harbor, New York
Andy Denmark

Re: Salt Water/Fresh Water Body Soap

Post by Andy Denmark »

Warren Kaplan wrote: This is nuts I know but its driving me crazy. When I was on a week's cruise from Ft. Lauderdale to Key Largo and back the captain of that boat had a great soap that would lather up in both salt and fresh water. Fresh water being at a premium aboard a small sailing vessel, the 5 aboard would jump into the water after we anchored for the night and get wet then climb aboard and lather up. We'd just use fresh water to rinse off. I've been to a few marine stores and none of them seem to have anything. Or, perhaps there's some plain old dishwashing detergent that works in salt water too. Any suggestions?
JOY WORKS -- To quote one of my crew, "A thing of Joy is a beauty forever." Lemon Fresh Joy smells better -- good for shampoo as well. I think it's made from the fat of Schmoos.
Warren Kaplan wrote: Warren Kaplan
Sine Qua Non
Oyster Bay Harbor, New York
Michael Heintz

Re: Salt Water/Fresh Water Body Soap

Post by Michael Heintz »

AYYYYYYYY Warren me bucco, the hel_ with soap...just be a dirty old pirate. Just be a stinkin salin fool !!!!!!!

But if you must...... JOY is a joy...good overall soapy thing...cuts grease, body order and all the rest...the Lemon sent is good but they have this new fruity thing.....I think it smells like bubble gum....but I guess there are those out there who like that kind of thing :-)


Re: Salt Water/Fresh Water Body Soap

Post by Mario »

I've never tried it, but there's a product called Sailorsoap that you can check out at the link below.

In the Grenadines we used Sunshower Soap, made by the people who make Sunshowers. It worked fine in both fresh and salt water, but you won't end up with soft shiny hair or skin.

s/v Rhapsody
CD30 #252
Regent Point, VA

Warren Kaplan wrote: This is nuts I know but its driving me crazy. When I was on a week's cruise from Ft. Lauderdale to Key Largo and back the captain of that boat had a great soap that would lather up in both salt and fresh water. Fresh water being at a premium aboard a small sailing vessel, the 5 aboard would jump into the water after we anchored for the night and get wet then climb aboard and lather up. We'd just use fresh water to rinse off. I've been to a few marine stores and none of them seem to have anything. Or, perhaps there's some plain old dishwashing detergent that works in salt water too. Any suggestions?

Warren Kaplan
Sine Qua Non
Oyster Bay Harbor, New York

Re: Salt Water/Fresh Water Body Soap

Post by john »

Andy Denmark wrote:
Warren Kaplan wrote: This is nuts I know but its driving me crazy. When I was on a week's cruise from Ft. Lauderdale to Key Largo and back the captain of that boat had a great soap that would lather up in both salt and fresh water. Fresh water being at a premium aboard a small sailing vessel, the 5 aboard would jump into the water after we anchored for the night and get wet then climb aboard and lather up. We'd just use fresh water to rinse off. I've been to a few marine stores and none of them seem to have anything. Or, perhaps there's some plain old dishwashing detergent that works in salt water too. Any suggestions?
JOY WORKS -- To quote one of my crew, "A thing of Joy is a beauty forever." Lemon Fresh Joy smells better -- good for shampoo as well. I think it's made from the fat of Schmoos.
Warren Kaplan wrote: Warren Kaplan
Sine Qua Non
Oyster Bay Harbor, New York
Joy is what we have used for years. Women love the way their hair is soft after only a week cruise. We turn our inflatible upside down & use it for a float. Get wet, climb up on the dink, suds up & drop back in the water for a rinse. then you can play on the float for a while & then a gallon of fresh water will rinse 3. A good drying with a towel & you feel as fresh as if you had been in your shower at home.
John CD31 #18 Bonnie Blue

Re: Salt Water/Fresh Water Body Soap

Post by PatO »


If it had a wacky label, smelled of peppermint, and left your skin all tingly, it was Dr Bronner's Peppermint. I use it when camping but have never tried it in salt water.

Catherine Monaghan

Re: Salt Water/Fresh Water Body Soap

Post by Catherine Monaghan »


Use JOY. Wash the dishes then yourself.

CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay

Warren Kaplan wrote: This is nuts I know but its driving me crazy. When I was on a week's cruise from Ft. Lauderdale to Key Largo and back the captain of that boat had a great soap that would lather up in both salt and fresh water. Fresh water being at a premium aboard a small sailing vessel, the 5 aboard would jump into the water after we anchored for the night and get wet then climb aboard and lather up. We'd just use fresh water to rinse off. I've been to a few marine stores and none of them seem to have anything. Or, perhaps there's some plain old dishwashing detergent that works in salt water too. Any suggestions?

Warren Kaplan
Sine Qua Non
Oyster Bay Harbor, New York
Andy Denmark

Re: Joy works well for shaving, too

Post by Andy Denmark »


Coming home from the CD raftup at Cape Lookout this weekend, I had the irrational thought of shaving. Alas, there was no shaving cream aboard and no other kind of soap either. Since Joy is heralded as such universal stuff, I decided I would shave with it. After wetting my face, I spread a few drops of Joy over my face and, presto, got the shave of my life. It was great -- much better than the $3.oo per can stuff I've been using for the last 30 or 40 years. From now on I shave with Joy!

For the non-believers, give it a try. I'd like to hear other opinions.

Andy Denmark
CD-27 "Rhiannon"
(anchored with Mystical and Karma near #6 daybeacon at Cape Lookout this weekend (1/2 mile from the lighthouse). Where were you?)
Ken Coit

I was at home in my A/C'd house waiting for a cold front

Post by Ken Coit »


Sorry we missed the trip to the Cape, but I'm glad the weather cooperated. I think we will have the #1 grandson (there are 3) on board later in the week. Maybe we will get to Lookout or Oriental or both.

I did get some photos of Chris Schnell's Madness III in Southport. I guess I ought to send him a copy. He must be very tall, Madness III has a stepped bimini with a window between the two levels. Pretty neat.

Andy Denmark wrote: FWIW,

Coming home from the CD raftup at Cape Lookout this weekend, I had the irrational thought of shaving. Alas, there was no shaving cream aboard and no other kind of soap either. Since Joy is heralded as such universal stuff, I decided I would shave with it. After wetting my face, I spread a few drops of Joy over my face and, presto, got the shave of my life. It was great -- much better than the $3.oo per can stuff I've been using for the last 30 or 40 years. From now on I shave with Joy!

For the non-believers, give it a try. I'd like to hear other opinions.

Andy Denmark
CD-27 "Rhiannon"
(anchored with Mystical and Karma near #6 daybeacon at Cape Lookout this weekend (1/2 mile from the lighthouse). Where were you?)
Andy Denmark

Re: I was at home in my A/C'd house waiting for a cold front

Post by Andy Denmark »

Hi Ken,

.... I'm glad the weather cooperated.....

The wx was "interesting." Ron and motored across a windless Neuse River Friday afternoon, winding our way between the thunderstorm cells. Mystical was already anchored in Cedar Creek but as we approached we saw several bolts of lightning that seemed to be right on top of her. Mystical's wind machine ceased to function at that point so she may have received a spike from a nearby hit.

Ron and I had drinks aboard Mystical and dinghied back over to Rhiannon just before the rain started. I made shrimp gumbo for dinner and we crashed early. Sailed from Cedar Creek about 0730 Sat trailing Mystical as she was motoring. Pretty rough at the inlet with wind and tide opposing but we sailed out and turned for Lookout Bight just before noon. Arrived just under the lighthouse by 1330 and anchored in about 9' of water.

Karma came in and we all had a cocktail aboard Rhiannon. Wind building, heat building, t'storms noisy to the NW with lots of lightning. NOAA says expect heavy rain, winds 40-50 kts "in the vicinity of t'storms." Just before dark all hell broke loose. Heavy rain, almost zero viz at times, big time lightning. VHF says a boat 3/4 mile away has been hit and top of mast came down with sparks and stuff hitting the deck. No one hurt. Major damage, though. It blew until late into the night. I was up and down all night checking anchor, chafing, security, and other boats dragging all around us, including a big French Hunter (Beneteau) immediately to weather.

In a.m. NOAA says wx will build to SW 25-35 with 4-7' seas, so we booked at sunrise Sunday morning with reefed main and working jib, prepared for the worst. With this arrangement, we sailed w/ beam sea at 6+ knots directly into Beaufort Inlet, under the high-rise bridge and most of the way up Adams Creek, arriving Oriental at 1315. Hotter than blazes -- heat index of 109 or so -- so we offloaded boat and went to the A/C at home. Dark & Stormy at M & M's later in the day and another T'storm Sun. evening. I went to bed early as I had been up most of the previous night.

All said, it was a pleasant cruise to Lookout. I heard today that the boat that had the lightning damage was a Cape Dory 33 but I'm not sure. I've heard from a couple of other CD owners that the wx was the primary reason they didn't make the raft-up.

I'm sure Rich and Lou will post their ideas on the cruise. Despite the wicked weather it was fun. "Cooperative" is not the word for the weather, though.

You and Shelley get up to Oriental and I'll buy you a round of D & S.

Lou Ostendorff

Interesting Weather

Post by Lou Ostendorff »

Hello Andy and Others;
Well, Cape Lookout was quite a cruise, especially with the weather as Andy described...I didn't measure windspeed Sat. Nite, but it had to be close to 50 Knots, and we were really movin' around! As the wind and rain built, I would look out the companion way at Rhiannon, and found that Andy was looking at me, we being closer than Dick and Carol in I started dragging past Rhiannon, I decided to don the foulies and try to get the anchor reset with more scope (20 lb. CQR with 15' of chain) finally seemed to be holding, but I started the diesel just in case...the storm subsided after about an hour and a half and then just light rain, but there was quite a bit of thunder and lighting bolts that persisted for several seconds...I could see that Mystical (CD31) had dragged also, using an FX-37...on the return trip up the Ditch I noticed that Karma was exceeding hull speed @ 2600 rpm (6.2 Knots) implying that the tide was coming in and helping our progress North...several weeks ago I made the same trip against the tide and slowed to 3.5 Knots, so timing does make a difference. Overall, a good trip and rendezvous, but tiring as I was singlehanding...I didn't realize how hot it had gotten on Sunday until I got to the slip in Clubfoot Creek and stopped...Wheewww!
Lou O.
CD25D Karma
Berthed in Havelock
Ken Coit

Re: Interesting Weather

Post by Ken Coit »


Thanks for the report. Sounds like home is where I needed to be. I would like to check out the ground tackle, but I can wait until the temp. is at least more favorable.

Several years ago, I spent a night on Taylor's Creek aboard our Grady 204C near the channel range tower and watched boats drifting by and onto the bank. We were supposed to be at Lookout that night, but the creek was plenty of action for us, even though we were rafted to a Mariner 36. The night before I spent on the trailer; the Grady rocked all night.

One thing about that Grady, she'll do 35 MPH so long as the fuel and the legs hold out. I think it takes about 15 gal/hr at 35 MPH, so she doesn't have much range with a mere 65 gal. tank. Very expensive transportation, but 'tis fun for a few minutes at a time.

Keep on sailing,

Ken Coit, ND7N
CD/14 #538
CD/36 #84 Parfait
Hailing Port: Raleigh, NC
Sailing from: Beaufort, NC

Lou Ostendorff wrote: Hello Andy and Others;
Well, Cape Lookout was quite a cruise, especially with the weather as Andy described...I didn't measure windspeed Sat. Nite, but it had to be close to 50 Knots, and we were really movin' around! As the wind and rain built, I would look out the companion way at Rhiannon, and found that Andy was looking at me, we being closer than Dick and Carol in I started dragging past Rhiannon, I decided to don the foulies and try to get the anchor reset with more scope (20 lb. CQR with 15' of chain) finally seemed to be holding, but I started the diesel just in case...the storm subsided after about an hour and a half and then just light rain, but there was quite a bit of thunder and lighting bolts that persisted for several seconds...I could see that Mystical (CD31) had dragged also, using an FX-37...on the return trip up the Ditch I noticed that Karma was exceeding hull speed @ 2600 rpm (6.2 Knots) implying that the tide was coming in and helping our progress North...several weeks ago I made the same trip against the tide and slowed to 3.5 Knots, so timing does make a difference. Overall, a good trip and rendezvous, but tiring as I was singlehanding...I didn't realize how hot it had gotten on Sunday until I got to the slip in Clubfoot Creek and stopped...Wheewww!
Lou O.
CD25D Karma
Berthed in Havelock
Chris Scheck

Liquid soap does it all ...

Post by Chris Scheck »

I've used shampoo for shaving for years. It's just like shaving gel. No need to carry that heavy can around with you. Here's another trick ... when you work on your engine, coat your hands with dishwashing soap first. When you're done, the grease will wash right off. It works just like Liquid Glove and those other products you buy at an auto parts store. My latest cleaning discovery I owe to Larry De Mers ... 409. It really cuts grease and greasy films on fiberglass. Try cleaning your headliner with it ... you'll be surprised how shiny and white it will be. 409 is much better on grease than Windex.
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