Have the need for belaying pins. The searches on the internet are either "model" size or "tanker" size. Any assistance for a source would be appreciated.
John Martin
CD31, Carina
Source for Belaying Pins
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Source for Belaying Pins
Those we used in the navy would occasionally disappear. The machine shop on board would turn a new one from brass stock in no time.
Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
Re: Source for Belaying Pins
Do you need metal or wooden ones?
If wood will do then you can make them yourself if you have a drill press or a lathe. I made some for my dinghy out of ash using a drill press. Just get two sizes of dowel and drill a hole in the larger dowel center to insert the pin into (the smaller dowel) section. Glue the pin into the larger dowel section. Now you can place them in a drill press and shape the larger dowel piece into any handle shape you like just by spinning it in the press and using a wood rasp or files to shape it and then smooth it by the use of sand paper or a sanding sponge. The drill press acts as nothing more than a vertical lathe of sorts. The technique works quite well, was taught to me a long time ago by an old wood worker friend.
If wood will do then you can make them yourself if you have a drill press or a lathe. I made some for my dinghy out of ash using a drill press. Just get two sizes of dowel and drill a hole in the larger dowel center to insert the pin into (the smaller dowel) section. Glue the pin into the larger dowel section. Now you can place them in a drill press and shape the larger dowel piece into any handle shape you like just by spinning it in the press and using a wood rasp or files to shape it and then smooth it by the use of sand paper or a sanding sponge. The drill press acts as nothing more than a vertical lathe of sorts. The technique works quite well, was taught to me a long time ago by an old wood worker friend.
John Martin wrote: Have the need for belaying pins. The searches on the internet are either "model" size or "tanker" size. Any assistance for a source would be appreciated.
John Martin
CD31, Carina
Re: Source for Belaying Pins
Dear John,John Martin wrote: Have the need for belaying pins. The searches on the internet are either "model" size or "tanker" size. Any assistance for a source would be appreciated.
John Martin
CD31, Carina
We here at Bristol Bronze now make three different sizes of BRONZE belaying pins. Our catalog lists only one size but we have recently added two more. I caution you against using brass belaying pins. The high zinc content (40%) and the high lead content (4%) make them prone to break when used for anything more than decoration. In addition the zinc oxide from the dezincifying brass will cause problems for any wood near by.
If the Bronze belaying pins are of interest to you give me a call at 401-625-5224 and I will go over the sizes with you.
Roger W.
Bristol Bronze