CD 30 Powerboat questions

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Gary McDonough

CD 30 Powerboat questions

Post by Gary McDonough »

After 11 years of sailing and the following boats:

CD30 Cutter

I've purchased a CD30 Powerboat. I know brand loyalty is a good thing but I also wonder if this madness will ever end?

Here are my initial questions. I'll probably have a couple of hundred to follow:

1. I was surprised to find that although the boat has two automatic bilge pumps, it does not have a manual one. What have other owners installed and where did they put it?

2. Has anyone installed a windlass? If so, what type and cost? Also, comments regarding its use.

3. I need to pick up some spare impellors and other basic engine parts. Can anyone recommend a good source?

I would also appreciate any comments or suggestions that other owners might have.

Thanks in advance,

Tom S

Re: CD 30 Powerboat questions

Post by Tom S »

Gary McDonough wrote: After 11 years of sailing and the following boats:

CD30 Cutter

I've purchased a CD30 Powerboat. I know brand loyalty is a good thing but I also wonder if this madness will ever end?

Here are my initial questions. I'll probably have a couple of hundred to follow:

1. I was surprised to find that although the boat has two automatic bilge pumps, it does not have a manual one. What have other owners installed and where did they put it?

2. Has anyone installed a windlass? If so, what type and cost? Also, comments regarding its use.

3. I need to pick up some spare impellors and other basic engine parts. Can anyone recommend a good source?

I would also appreciate any comments or suggestions that other owners might have.

Thanks in advance,

Congratulations Gary you have a stand out boat.As far as maintenance and spare parts whatever applies to the CD33 pwr boat applies to yours.Your hull layout is the same as well as the engines.You just go faster in nontypical Cape Dory style.My suggestions is to carry double the spares you found you needed for for your CD30 engine.Water ingress would be not be of a normal nature so I would not consider a fixed hand pump.I use a portable Hand pump in my 28FB.So far I have only needed It for maintenance use.The windlass needs room,wiring, plus a bow roller.On a power boat the crew needs to do somthing.The 33 power boat owners would probably be yor most numerous source of maintenance advice.
Neil Gordon

Re: CD 30 Powerboat questions

Post by Neil Gordon »


Still out of Hingham?

Have you named the new boat, or keeping the old name? Just want to know so I can watch out for you.

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167

Re: CD 30 Powerboat questions

Post by Gary »

Hi Neil,

Still out of Hingham Harbor. Name is Allura. Won't be in the water for a week or so. We made the decision to go to power so we can do more cruising. We plan on heading out somewhere every weekend along with a week in August and a week in September.

I'll keep an eye out for you.

Walt Bilofsky

Re: CD 30 Powerboat questions

Post by Walt Bilofsky »

Hi, Gary -
Gary McDonough wrote: 2. Has anyone installed a windlass? If so, what type and cost? Also, comments regarding its use.
I installed a windlass soon after getting my 30 powerboat in 1993, in order to be able to anchor single-handed. It's been a while so this is all from memory. I believe my windlass is a Simpson Lawrence 500. On looking in the West catalog I see Lewmar now sells that line and their 500 has a chromed gypsy - mine is plastic. It is a bit undersized for the boat according to their recommendations but has done OK for me with a 22 lb. West Marine "traditional" anchor. Line will slip through the gypsy a bit when setting the anchor under power. I needed to remove the post (samson post?) to place the windlass so replaced it by a throughbolted cleat. I had a backing plate made for the windlass. My boat came with power cable to the chain locker but it was necessary to install a relay control (under the island berth) so that the windlass could be operated remotely from both drive stations, and from deck switches I put in the bow.
Gary McDonough wrote: 3. I need to pick up some spare impellors and other basic engine parts. Can anyone recommend a good source?
I assume you have the Volvo diesels. Volvo parts are inordinately expensive, even for marine parts, and I have never found a good discount source. The dealer at <a href=""></a> will give you a quote by email from his web site.

You might also be interested in the cabinet work I had done - see <a href=" ... ky/mycd</a>.

- Walt Bilofsky
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