On the Cape Dory 28 with the self tailoring boom for the jib, how is the stay for the boom supposed to be handled. If left attached and loosened while sailing it wraps. If taken off the boom drops to the deck while lowering the sail. I'm assuming the trick is to reattach before lowering sail but it is not easy to do on a moving foredeck with a swinging boom. Is there a trick I'm missing here?
self tailoring boom
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: self tailoring boom
Andrea,andrea kline wrote: On the Cape Dory 28 with the self tailoring boom for the jib, how is the stay for the boom supposed to be handled. If left attached and loosened while sailing it wraps. If taken off the boom drops to the deck while lowering the sail. I'm assuming the trick is to reattach before lowering sail but it is not easy to do on a moving foredeck with a swinging boom. Is there a trick I'm missing here?
From what you have written, I am assuming that you are asking about the topping lift for the jib boom. I know what you are talking about, as I have experienced the "wrapping" of the topping lift on my staysail boom. The trick is to loosen the topping lift, hoist your jib, then take up most of the slack on the topping lift, but leaving enough so that it won't interfere with the trimming of the jib or staysail in my case. It takes a little practice. Once you locate the correct level on the topping lift, you can mark the spot for future use.
Good luck,
Gary Lapine
Red Witch III
CD30C, #339
Re: self tailoring boom
I have the same arrangement on my CD30. On my sail plan it shows a topping lift attached to the self tending jib boom. I use this topping lift for my whisker pole. For the jib boom I drop it to the deck when rigging or lowering the jib. I stow the jib boom by lashing the aft end to the port lifeline stanchion.
Olli Wendelin
Charleston, SC
I have the same arrangement on my CD30. On my sail plan it shows a topping lift attached to the self tending jib boom. I use this topping lift for my whisker pole. For the jib boom I drop it to the deck when rigging or lowering the jib. I stow the jib boom by lashing the aft end to the port lifeline stanchion.
Olli Wendelin
Charleston, SC
Re: self tailoring boom
I just leave the topping lift alone. When the jib is rigged, a little slack is induced, but I never have had a problem with the topping lift fouling as a result. The only time I touch my topping lift is to create clearance to open the forward hatch all the way.
CD28 #225
CD28 #225