Where to Buy Propeller Shaft Zinc for CD22D?

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Where to Buy Propeller Shaft Zinc for CD22D?

Post by Jim »

I need to replace the propeller shaft zinc on my 22D. I'm having a difficult time trying to locate a supplier who has one. Anyone know where these can be purchased? Thanks.


Re: Where to Buy Propeller Shaft Zinc for CD22D?

Post by Bill »

Jim wrote: I need to replace the propeller shaft zinc on my 22D. I'm having a difficult time trying to locate a supplier who has one. Anyone know where these can be purchased? Thanks.
As I recall, the shaft size is 1" OD. West Marine has a zinc
with an ID of 1"----but its too long. Just chuck it in a lathe
and machine off what you need. Worked fine for me!


Don Sargeant

Re: Where to Buy Propeller Shaft Zinc for CD22D?

Post by Don Sargeant »

BoatZincsDirect.com can supply anything. They are currently tooling for the replacement for the no longer available "Perry Nut" which, IMHO, is the best solution.
Don Sargeant
CD25D #189
Greenwich Cove

Bill wrote:
Jim wrote: I need to replace the propeller shaft zinc on my 22D. I'm having a difficult time trying to locate a supplier who has one. Anyone know where these can be purchased? Thanks.
As I recall, the shaft size is 1" OD. West Marine has a zinc
with an ID of 1"----but its too long. Just chuck it in a lathe
and machine off what you need. Worked fine for me!

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