6 H.P.

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6 H.P.

Post by Bruce »

Does anyone know if a 6HP short shaft( 15") is enough to push a CD25
on Long Island Sound
Thank You


Re: 6 H.P.

Post by Kurt »

A 6hp motor would be sufficient except when trying to punch through strong (20+KNOT) headwinds or river/tidal currents...I think the real problem would be the 15" shaft...your boat needs a long (20") shaft motor to get the lower unit further down into the water. Depending on the make/model of your motor, there are long shaft conversion kits that can be retrofitted.

Bob Dane

Re: 6 H.P.

Post by Bob Dane »

A 6hp is OK, a bit on the lower end of thrust but the benefits are
that you won't have a problem fitting it into the engine well. Make sure however to get a longer shaft. Too short and you'll be sorry by way of proper torque and because your lower exhaust won't be far enough down in the drink. Speaking of exhuast...you may be away of the inherent axhuast problems in the engine wells of the CDs and thus you would do well to get yourself a 4 stroke instead of a 2 stroke. The 4 stroke have much less fumes...and run quieter also.

Bob Dane


Re: 6 H.P.

Post by isaac »

I actually have a 2 stroke 15hp for my cd25. it's very loud and it barely fits in the well, but...... I can motor against a 4 knot current no prob, and go 5 knots easy into the wind. If you are considering cruising long distances, I would go with more horse power... (safer too)
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