I'm buying a freshwater boat with VC-17 bottom paint...is that adequate for saltwater? Any other concerns in bringing a freshwater boat to the salt....thanks!
Bottom paint
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Bottom paint
VC17 is a fresh water racing paint. It is usually applied over VC tar barrier coat. If you have VC tar under the VC17, it must be removed according to the manifacture. I just re-did the bottom of my CD & planned to put on VC17, but after hearing that it had to be sanded off before applying salt water bottom paint, I did not use it. I have used it on racing boats & it's great for fresh water, but should be repainted every year.John Z. wrote: I'm buying a freshwater boat with VC-17 bottom paint...is that adequate for saltwater? Any other concerns in bringing a freshwater boat to the salt....thanks!
John CD31 #18 Bonnie Blue
Lake Lanier, Georgia