F/N/orR when motoring?

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F/N/orR when motoring?

Post by Pat »

Which gear should you have the transmission in while motoring? I sail a CD30 with the Volvo Engine and Walter V drive.I seem to remember reading somwhere that you should have the it in "N" while motoring, but the fella that had been doing alot of the maintenace on the boat befor I bought her said "keep it in R".
Anybody have any opinions?



Re: F/N/orR when motoring?

Post by Gary »


First of all I must assume that you mean when sailing and not motoring. I've always read that the throttle should be in reverse to prevent the propeller from spinning which can do damage or put stress on the transmission.


marion lewenstein

Re: F/N/orR when motoring?

Post by marion lewenstein »

Pat--are you two bladed or three bladed prop? I'm told it doesn't matter with 2 bladed, but 3 bladed should be in R, as suggested by Gary. CD30 I just sold had your motor configuration with three bladed prop, and as I recall I was told at time I changed props to keep it in reverse when sailing or shutdown at dock. Everything held up well.


Jon Larson

Re: F/N/orR when motoring?

Post by Jon Larson »


On your boat with the three bladed prop I'd suggest sailing with the gear selector in reverse. It will stop the free wheeling of the prop. Some transmissions are dependent upon engine rpms to provide correct lubrication, I don't know if that's the case with our Volvo engines or not, but a rotating prop can slow the boat and who needs the increased wear under any circumstance?

On my CD30, the two bladed prop has never free wheeled so I just don't worry abou it.

Jon Larson
San Francisco Bay
Pat wrote: Which gear should you have the transmission in while motoring? I sail a CD30 with the Volvo Engine and Walter V drive.I seem to remember reading somwhere that you should have the it in "N" while motoring, but the fella that had been doing alot of the maintenace on the boat befor I bought her said "keep it in R".
Anybody have any opinions?


Ryan T

Re: F/N/orR when motoring?

Post by Ryan T »

The documentation on my CD33 says to keep it in N when not sailing. Hopefully they got it right because that's what I've been doing.

Pat wrote: Which gear should you have the transmission in while motoring? I sail a CD30 with the Volvo Engine and Walter V drive.I seem to remember reading somwhere that you should have the it in "N" while motoring, but the fella that had been doing alot of the maintenace on the boat befor I bought her said "keep it in R".
Anybody have any opinions?


Jim Smiley

Re: F/N/orR when motoring?

Post by Jim Smiley »

The instruction manual which accompanied the Hurth transmission in my CD33 recommends either N or R while sailing. They warn that leaving the gear in foward may result in damage.
Pat wrote: Which gear should you have the transmission in while motoring? I sail a CD30 with the Volvo Engine and Walter V drive.I seem to remember reading somwhere that you should have the it in "N" while motoring, but the fella that had been doing alot of the maintenace on the boat befor I bought her said "keep it in R".
Anybody have any opinions?


Mike Everett

Re: F/N/orR when motoring?

Post by Mike Everett »

A careful reading of the Volvo MD7A manual for my 1978 CD28 makes no recommendation either way about the transmission setting while sailing. While recently asking for advice about a stuffing box leak, a lot of experienced folks told me to leave it in reverse. I hadn't known about this before. The theory is that if the prop shaft doesn't spin, there's less friction and less leaking.
I have noticed a definite decrease in leakage when reverse gear has been engaged. So I'll be using reverse when under sail.

Al Levesque

Re: F/N/orR when motoring?

Post by Al Levesque »

Pat wrote: Which gear should you have the transmission in while motoring?
The manual for the Hurth transmission in our CD33 instructs to shift opposite to the direction of travel. I notice that the shaft can be turned by hand in the direction that the transmission is set in, only locks in the opposite direction.


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