on our last two long voyages into the sub tropics we have had our dinks ravaged by the sun.
our current dink is an 8' west marine, slatted floor model, circa 1998.
this last trip south, we have been using amour-all protectorant on it.
i apply a coating on the whole boat about every two months and have been applying it for almost a year of cruising.
so far it seems to be working.
has anyone else used this product for UV protection of dinks? does anyone have any idea if this is bad for the material, which we think is hapalon (sp).
does anyone have any other suggestions to help extend the longevity of a dink, other than rolling it up and stowing it below after each use?
thanks in advance
UV protection of dinghy
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: UV protection of dinghy
I don't know this for certain, but I've heard rummors in the automotive circles that Armour-All is not good for rubber. I believe high-end detailers and enthusiasts steer clear of it.
the only thing I know from experience is that the tires on two cars I used it on got significant cracking in the sidewalls. This could have been from something else, but it was enough to keep me from using it any further.
I think silicone oils and petroleum distillates are what's bad for the rubber. Griotsgarage.com sells a Vinyl and Rubber Dressing that has UV protection yet is free of this stuff. Perhaps something like that would be better?
anyway just an observation. if you're in the subtropics a great deal, could a stretch cover be made? could have sworn I've seen inflatables with something like this.
I don't know this for certain, but I've heard rummors in the automotive circles that Armour-All is not good for rubber. I believe high-end detailers and enthusiasts steer clear of it.
the only thing I know from experience is that the tires on two cars I used it on got significant cracking in the sidewalls. This could have been from something else, but it was enough to keep me from using it any further.
I think silicone oils and petroleum distillates are what's bad for the rubber. Griotsgarage.com sells a Vinyl and Rubber Dressing that has UV protection yet is free of this stuff. Perhaps something like that would be better?
anyway just an observation. if you're in the subtropics a great deal, could a stretch cover be made? could have sworn I've seen inflatables with something like this.
mike wrote: on our last two long voyages into the sub tropics we have had our dinks ravaged by the sun.
our current dink is an 8' west marine, slatted floor model, circa 1998.
this last trip south, we have been using amour-all protectorant on it.
i apply a coating on the whole boat about every two months and have been applying it for almost a year of cruising.
so far it seems to be working.
has anyone else used this product for UV protection of dinks? does anyone have any idea if this is bad for the material, which we think is hapalon (sp).
does anyone have any other suggestions to help extend the longevity of a dink, other than rolling it up and stowing it below after each use?
thanks in advance
Re: UV protection of dinghy
Brian is right. ArmorAll has a dubious reputation when it comes to UV protection. An auto board I monitor recommends high SP# sunscreen to protect exposed dash board tops!
Good Luck.
Good Luck.
Re: UV protection of dinghy
I have seen an article were someone made sunbrella canvas covers for the top half of the tubes,they fitted the canvas, sewed button holes and attached the covers or chaps to the tubes with glue on rubber buttons. The rubber buttons and glue are made for inflatables to attach the plastic plates for state registration #s and stickers.It seemed like a good idea, hope this helps.
Smooth Sailing
Jerry Albright
I have seen an article were someone made sunbrella canvas covers for the top half of the tubes,they fitted the canvas, sewed button holes and attached the covers or chaps to the tubes with glue on rubber buttons. The rubber buttons and glue are made for inflatables to attach the plastic plates for state registration #s and stickers.It seemed like a good idea, hope this helps.
Smooth Sailing
Jerry Albright