
Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Peter Luquer


Post by Peter Luquer »

Looks like I'm buying a CD 27' and can't wait. I intend to use her for long single handed voyaging and need to install an autopilot for a tiller. Anyone recommend a good AP??? Are there used AP's on the market???

Any advise would be welcome.



Re: Autopilot

Post by PatO »

I just used a Navico TP3000CX (Now Simrad TP30) singlehanding from Jacksonville to Miami. The unit came with the boat (works great!) so I can only offer my observations from this voyage. It kept more of a zig-zag course than I would have liked but kept working thru the first night. The second day after running well for a while it would inexplicably push or pull the tiller hard over. I let it rest then fiddled with the settings and managed to get it working until a thunderstorm the third day knoced it out completely (not from a strike but moisture I assume). After drying it out in the sun the fourth day I was able to use it to secure the tiller but it would start rounding up every time I set it to Auto (steering to the internal fluxgate compass). I kept a plastic bag over it to shield it from the frequent rain. By the fifth day it had dried out enough that the Auto setting worked but it would not steer to GPS as it had the first night.
Instead of a nice long offshore cruise, I had to hug the coast/use the intracoastal because the unit could not be trusted.
I've always read that electromechanical autopilots are fine for short trips but should never be relied upon for offshore use. Now I know why.
Again, I want to stress this is my only experience with any sort of autopilot but, you may want to consider a good windvane instead. I know I will.

CD 28

Re: Autopilot

Post by Richard »

I have a Simrad TP10 on my CD28. I have had two problems with it. First of all, there is no reverse current protection. If you use a two prong connector that allows for a potential foulup in the polarity, the system blows and you have to take it in to get it repaired. The repair costs roughly $100 if not under warranty. This happened to the previous owner and it happened to my. The plug in the boat when I bought it was a two prong with one prong thicker than the other. While you couldn't push the plug in the wrong way, you could touch the contacts. Since then I have install a three prong trawler socket that disallows an accident like this. They are similar to the 3 prong 110V twist connectors for shore power, just smaller.

Secondly, there is no shut off to the motor when the piston is fully retracted or fully extended. So if you pull it out of the box fully retracted, plug it in and then hit the button that retracts it instead of extending it (50/50 chance if you'r not thinking) you overload it and blow the fuse.

Other than that, it has worked flawlessly. However, I sail in the Puget Sound, which is relatively protected waters. I have not used the unit in rough weather or rough seas so I do not have anything to tell you about the durability and weatherability.

Peter Luquer wrote: Looks like I'm buying a CD 27' and can't wait. I intend to use her for long single handed voyaging and need to install an autopilot for a tiller. Anyone recommend a good AP??? Are there used AP's on the market???

Any advise would be welcome.

Jerry Albright

Re: Autopilot

Post by Jerry Albright »


I have a slightly used Autohelm ST4000 plus tiller pilot I am intrested in selling. It is the high end of Autohelm's tiller pilots.
The fluxgate compass installs below deck, protected from the weather with a bulkhead mounted control panel,control panel cover,ram and remote control key pad with a 20' extension cable.I also have the manual for this unit.
I bought the unit from a friend,I never installed it but I have bench tested the unit and it works fine,I have another Autohelm brand tiller pilot on my CD27 and have been very pleased with it.It is rated for 14,000 pound displacement,if you are intrested, e-mail me.
Congradulations on the purchase of your CD27, I hope you enjoy her as much as I have enjoyed mine.

Smooth Sailing
Jerry Albright
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