Inflatable Dinghy Questions

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Will W.

Inflatable Dinghy Questions

Post by Will W. »

I went to look at inflatables today in Annapolis. I am more knowledgable than yesterday but no closer to a purchase yet. Maybe someone can help.

The first question may settle the issue. Most of the 8 foot roll up inflatables are rated for a maximum 4hp motor. I already have a force 5hp. Can I put a 5hp on one of these 8 footers without danger (warranty issues aside)?

2. How fast does an inflatable with a 4 hp motor go? I'm not planning on racing or anything but I would like to be able to cover some ground once in a while.

3. I saw a few 9-10 footers I liked. Does anyone know what is the largest inflatable I can fit into a cockpit locker of my CD25?

Thanks for any input.

Will Wheatley
Suzi Q
Scott MacCready, New Ber

Re: Inflatable Dinghy Questions

Post by Scott MacCready, New Ber »

I have a Plastico 2-man inflatable that I use with my CD25. It is rated at 3.5hp. I honestly don't know it's length but it's small. When I sit in it alone, my knees are in such a position as makes it difficult to row. With two of us, I sit on the bow, and Lisa on the stern in order to have room to row. I have a Honda 5hp 4-stroke which I tried once out of curiosity. It does work at low speed though with much more than 1/3 throttle it wants to stand on the transom. Not wanting to lose the engine I didn't try it for very long.
I normally keep it inflated and tow it behind while cruising. It takes up a lot of room on the foredeck otherwise.
Coincidentally, about an hour ago I deflated it for the first time, put it in its bag and tried to stuff it in the port locker. It's not an easy fit. In fact, I stopped trying fearing how difficult it would be to get it out again.
Due to the difficulty rowing this boat with my knees in the way, and fearing the rath of Lisa if she ever falls off the transom, I am considering selling it and getting a Sterns, 2-man inflatable kayak. They seem rugged and would also be more fun to explore in.
Hope this helps, Scott

Re: Inflatable Dinghy Questions

Post by Jon »

Hi There Will,

I stuff an 8 1/2' Bomabard AX3 into the locker on my CD25. I think that's about as large as will fit in there (it easily carries 3 people and a couple dogs). To get it into the locker, I take the floor battons out and put the transom in fist. Then I just stuff the rest in on top.

My inflatable has a soft roll-up floor that will not get up on plane. It doesn't go any faster with my 8hp on it than it does with my 3.5hp. I actually think the 3.5 is too much power for it, as I never use more than 1/2 throttle.

This is a PVC inflatable, which I think is fine if you store it out of the sun, as I do. The Hypalon boats are much more expensive, and much more durable. Also, if you get a hard bottom boat, you can get it going pretty fast, as it will plane easily.

All the best,
CD25 Sovereign
Allen Evans

Re: Inflatable Dinghy Questions

Post by Allen Evans »

Will -

Yesterday in the West Marine at Annapolis, I looked seriously at a West Marine by Groupe Zodiac RU 310 with an inflatable floor that is offered at $1236, about $600 off the regular price. It's a new boat with a full warranty, but it's had a minor repair. That boat is 10' 2" long. We've been using the exact same boat with a plywood floor since 1990. It's been patched (repaired) a number of times. I store it with Air Works in Annapolis each winter. They clean it and repair it. We run a 6 hp Yamaha and get a fair turn of speed. She planes with one person aboard. We tow it with the motor on around the Bay; when we go off shore I roll it up and stow it in the foc's'le.

- Allen
Will W.

Re: Inflatable Dinghy Questions

Post by Will W. »

I saw that one today. I also looked at it pretty hard. It is definatly on the short list. The only issue I had was the size. I'm sure it is too big to fit in the cockpit locker and I think my 25 foot sailboat might look funny towing a 10 foot dink. I could stash it in the vee berth though, since I seem to use that for stoage as much as anywhere else.
I also saw two used RIBs at Ocean Outfitters. Since I don't think I will be going offshore on Suzi Q, towing an 8 foot rib may not be bad. Plus I'm thinking that it would be nice to only have one motor that works for both Suzi Q and the Dink. Since the RIBs can handle a larger engine I can still upgrade to an 8hp on Suzi Q and use it for the Dink when I don't want to row.

Anyway I probably will go shop some more tomorrow. That 10 footer is probably safe from me if you wanted to get it.

Will Wheatley
Suzi Q
Sailing from Chesapeake Beach, MD
Allen Evans wrote: Will -

Yesterday in the West Marine at Annapolis, I looked seriously at a West Marine by Groupe Zodiac RU 310 with an inflatable floor that is offered at $1236, about $600 off the regular price. It's a new boat with a full warranty, but it's had a minor repair. That boat is 10' 2" long. We've been using the exact same boat with a plywood floor since 1990. It's been patched (repaired) a number of times. I store it with Air Works in Annapolis each winter. They clean it and repair it. We run a 6 hp Yamaha and get a fair turn of speed. She planes with one person aboard. We tow it with the motor on around the Bay; when we go off shore I roll it up and stow it in the foc's'le.

- Allen

Re: Inflatable Dinghy Questions

Post by Dan »

Will, I'm looking for an inflatable for the B27 that I could put in a locker as well. Don't think they're are many that will work, particularly in Hypalon. Also, regading using the same outboard for the dink as the boat - I thought that would be optimal but am rethinking. If you have the dink in the water with motor and the weather turns sour or you start to drag while you're sacked out, or ashore, you have no power to get underway.

Are you going to sail up to Annapolis anytime soon? Saw your note about the raft up in August and would like to make it but am not overly hopeful due to family obligations.

Chris Bell

Re: Inflatable Dinghy Questions

Post by Chris Bell »

Will W. wrote: I went to look at inflatables today in Annapolis. I am more knowledgable than yesterday but no closer to a purchase yet. Maybe someone can help.

The first question may settle the issue. Most of the 8 foot roll up inflatables are rated for a maximum 4hp motor. I already have a force 5hp. Can I put a 5hp on one of these 8 footers without danger (warranty issues aside)?

2. How fast does an inflatable with a 4 hp motor go? I'm not planning on racing or anything but I would like to be able to cover some ground once in a while.

3. I saw a few 9-10 footers I liked. Does anyone know what is the largest inflatable I can fit into a cockpit locker of my CD25?

Thanks for any input.

Will Wheatley
Suzi Q
Having had a nbr of different boats of different sizes, and 3 inflatables over the yrs, would recomend you consider the largest inflatable you can fit somewhere(not necessarily in a locker or lazerette) on yr boat, and the largest you're willing to spend for.
I currently have an Achilles LSI 1102, which is an air floor, 11'2" boat that can handle a 15hp OB. I use a 5 hp as that's what I happen to have. I can ferry 5 adults around comfortably, and have used it as a work platform for dropping and retrieving a 350lb mushroom anchor. it's incredibly versatile and the Achilles is all Hypalon, which makes it a highly durable boat(I sold my 1985 SPD4 a yr ago and it was still in good shape. the key thing I want to stress is don't make a buying decision based on fitting into a locker on a 25' boat. I've had boats to 33' and never been able to fit a dinghy in a locker. As to the choice of boat, I simply think the Achilles is the best boat for the money available today.
Good Luck, Chris
Will W.

Re: Inflatable Dinghy

Post by Will W. »

Thanks for the input. After doing lots of looking and learning and shopping, I found a good boat. It is a 10 ft Zeppelin, Delta 300RL. It won't fit in the cockpit locker but was a good deal on a very good 3 year old boat. It was only a little less expensive than the new/repaired boat at West Marine that Allen Evans mentioned but it has several features that won out for me. It has an aluminum slatted floor with aluminum stringers for rigidity. The WM model is a HP air floor which does not perform as well with a motor. It has 17.5 inch tubes vs. 16 inch on the WM. The transom is white fiberglass, which looks good and won't rot. And it is white hypalon, which I think looks much nicer than grey. Especially with Suzi Q, which is also white.

I'm not sure where I will stow it yet. If I can actually get it to the size it says it can roll to, I can put it in the V berth. For short trips I will probably tow it. Day sailing I will leave it at home if it is not already stowed. The motor will go in a cockpit locker.

I bought a motor yesterday also and went to try it out. I hoped it would work because it is so cool looking on the dink. It is a mid 60's 9hp McCullugh. It is the smallest 9hp I have ever seen. It might weigh 45lbs and its physical dimentions are very small. This was the problem actually. It ran like a champ, just like the guy said it would. Unfortunatly the shaft is so short that as you start to plane the prop cavitates. Fortunatly I called him and he is going to credit all $300.00 I paid toward a newer motor. Too bad, I am a sucker for a cool classic and it was also white (although somewhat faded) with chrome rally trim on the bulbous top which was mouted on a fluted shaft case. It looks really cool but it is an antique so it is probably for the best that I won't be using it. The guy I bought it from said that he could still get parts for it but I do not want to be on the water when I need a part, which is inevitable given the age.

Thanks Again and Happy Sailing

Will Wheatley
Suzi Q
Sailing from Chesapeake Beach, MD

Will W. wrote: I went to look at inflatables today in Annapolis. I am more knowledgable than yesterday but no closer to a purchase yet. Maybe someone can help.

The first question may settle the issue. Most of the 8 foot roll up inflatables are rated for a maximum 4hp motor. I already have a force 5hp. Can I put a 5hp on one of these 8 footers without danger (warranty issues aside)?

2. How fast does an inflatable with a 4 hp motor go? I'm not planning on racing or anything but I would like to be able to cover some ground once in a while.

3. I saw a few 9-10 footers I liked. Does anyone know what is the largest inflatable I can fit into a cockpit locker of my CD25?

Thanks for any input.

Will Wheatley
Suzi Q
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