Typhoon Cradle

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Bob E

Typhoon Cradle

Post by Bob E »

After seeing my message, I realised I left out that the patterns I requested are for a cradle for the Typhoon. Or I would be interested in buying a good used cradle.

Lyle Thompson

Re: Typhoon Cradle

Post by Lyle Thompson »


I had a cradle made for my TY several years ago. At present, the boat and cradle are about 4 hours away. If you can wait for a few weeks I can send some dimensions and a few pictures.

Lyle Thompson

Bob Bernier

Re: Typhoon Cradle

Post by Bob Bernier »

Several years ago, I built a trailler for my Typhoon. To get accurate measurements as to where to locate the pads, I took a "profile-photograph" and blew it up on a XEROX machine. Next, I scaled the photograph and created a scale drawing. When I had decided where to locate the supports fore-n-aft, sections were taken from inside the boat and the hull thickness added. With this information I was able to design and build a trailer using a 2nd-hand flat-bed trailer and "Brownell" boat-stand parts.
Using the same technique, i'm sure that you could obtain the necessary dimensions for building your cradle.
Good luck!

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