Boom Vang ???

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Bill Armstrong

Boom Vang ???

Post by Bill Armstrong »

What success I have had with this board! Probably 30 or so problems I have had with Morning Light have been solved. So I have another question...On my CD 28 is a very sturdy boom vang, which I have never had before on smaller boats. Is the purpose of the vang to keep the leech flat, or the boom horizontal? Beats me. Cannot find an answer. I have been sailing well, but I know I should do something with this vang, either prior to, or during the sail. Need advice to this concern which is probably old hat to most of you. Thanks, Bill.
Anthony P.Jeske

Re: Boom Vang ???

Post by Anthony P.Jeske »

In addition to being used as an accidental jibe preventer when sailing downwind, the vang corrects mailsail shape when reaching.
To set the vang, go to the cabintop and look up under the boom. From that vantage point you can see that the leech of the mainsail is curved. Now take up on the vang until the leech is straight. Done!
You can now return to the cockpit with a satisfied smile and marvel at the increased speed on your knotmeter.
Tony Jeske
CD-25D #141
San Diego

Re: Boom Vang ???

Post by Bill »

Anthony P.Jeske wrote:
In addition to being used as an accidental jibe preventer when sailing downwind, the vang corrects mailsail shape when reaching.
To set the vang, go to the cabintop and look up under the boom. From that vantage point you can see that the leech of the mainsail is curved. Now take up on the vang until the leech is straight. Done!
You can now return to the cockpit with a satisfied smile and marvel at the increased speed on your knotmeter.
Tony Jeske
CD-25D #141
San Diego
Thanks Anthony, I will do it first thing in am tomorrow. Now I need to get my Datamarine knotmeter working properly, yeah...Bill
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