Datamarie depthfinder problem-help please

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Richard Feffer

Datamarie depthfinder problem-help please

Post by Richard Feffer »

My Datamarine depthfinder is suddenly acting up. I'm getting intermittent depth readings alternating with an error message. Mostly of the error message. I've checked the cable connection from the transducer at the back of the unit. Also checked for barnacles and growth on the face of the transducer. Don't know what else to look for! Can anyone advise as to whether the problem is with the transducer or the display unit? Is Datamarine still in business? Any competent electronics shops in the Stamford, Ct. area?

We have two CD Rendezvous to attend very soon. Don't want to be embarassed by running aground while the whole fleet is watching!!!

Richard Feffer
s/v Adamarie
Stamford, Ct.
John R.


Post by John R. »

Look back a few days in the message board and you will find a link to Datamarine in a message I posted and several other messages regarding the problem you are experiencing.
Richard Feffer wrote:
My Datamarine depthfinder is suddenly acting up. I'm getting intermittent depth readings alternating with an error message. Mostly of the error message. I've checked the cable connection from the transducer at the back of the unit. Also checked for barnacles and growth on the face of the transducer. Don't know what else to look for! Can anyone advise as to whether the problem is with the transducer or the display unit? Is Datamarine still in business? Any competent electronics shops in the Stamford, Ct. area?

We have two CD Rendezvous to attend very soon. Don't want to be embarassed by running aground while the whole fleet is watching!!!

Richard Feffer
s/v Adamarie
Stamford, Ct.

Re: Datamarie depthfinder problem-help please

Post by Boyd »

Hi Richard...

Mine did the same thing about a month after I got her back in the water after haulout. I sent the display back to Datamarine and they gave it a clean bill of health for about $60.00 I ended up buying a new transducer which when hooked in and dropped over the side proved that my old transducer was bad. Going to haul out again soon and replace it. The only way to really prove the transducer is bad is to hook up another one and see what happens. Datamarine is still in business.

s/v Tern
Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

Richard Feffer wrote:
My Datamarine depthfinder is suddenly acting up. I'm getting intermittent depth readings alternating with an error message. Mostly of the error message. I've checked the cable connection from the transducer at the back of the unit. Also checked for barnacles and growth on the face of the transducer. Don't know what else to look for! Can anyone advise as to whether the problem is with the transducer or the display unit? Is Datamarine still in business? Any competent electronics shops in the Stamford, Ct. area?

We have two CD Rendezvous to attend very soon. Don't want to be embarassed by running aground while the whole fleet is watching!!!

Richard Feffer
s/v Adamarie
Stamford, Ct.
Capt JT

Re: Datamarie depthfinder problem-help please

Post by Capt JT »


The older datamarine products are now supported with parts and service by:

DMI Marine Inc.
18 Commerce Park Road
Pocasset, MA 02559
tel: 508-564-7491
fax: 508-564-7497

Capt JT
s/v Happy Daze CD25
New Haven, CT
Richard Feffer wrote:

My Datamarine depthfinder is suddenly acting up. I'm getting intermittent depth readings alternating with an error message. Mostly of the error message. I've checked the cable connection from the transducer at the back of the unit. Also checked for barnacles and growth on the face of the transducer. Don't know what else to look for! Can anyone advise as to whether the problem is with the transducer or the display unit? Is Datamarine still in business? Any competent electronics shops in the Stamford, Ct. area?

We have two CD Rendezvous to attend very soon. Don't want to be embarassed by running aground while the whole fleet is watching!!!

Richard Feffer
s/v Adamarie
Stamford, Ct.
Chris Reinke - CD330

Re: Datamarie depthfinder problem-help please

Post by Chris Reinke - CD330 »

Richard - Check out the posting I made on 6/19 "Original CD Equipment Manufacturer gone. Who do you call? - this board!"

I received some great ideas in resolving a similar problem with my DM depthfinder. I had the boat outside my office at Cummings Point in Stamford a few weeks back and so I contacted MARITECH COMMUNICATIONS CORP in Stamford 203-323-2900 and they offered to do a bench test of the instrument for $20. They were a DM retailer before DM was sold. I elected to purchase a new transducer and everything worked fine when I dropped it over the side. I am going to utilize one of the suggestions from this board and install it temporarily in a vertical mounted piece of 4" PVC filled with mineral oil. I will pull the old thru-hull and replace it once I am on the hard in Ossining this winter.
Richard Feffer wrote:
My Datamarine depthfinder is suddenly acting up. I'm getting intermittent depth readings alternating with an error message. Mostly of the error message. I've checked the cable connection from the transducer at the back of the unit. Also checked for barnacles and growth on the face of the transducer. Don't know what else to look for! Can anyone advise as to whether the problem is with the transducer or the display unit? Is Datamarine still in business? Any competent electronics shops in the Stamford, Ct. area?

We have two CD Rendezvous to attend very soon. Don't want to be embarassed by running aground while the whole fleet is watching!!!

Richard Feffer
s/v Adamarie
Stamford, Ct.
Richard Feffer

Re: Datamarie depthfinder problem-help please

Post by Richard Feffer »

Thanks for your reply! I went to Maritech with my problem. They said it would be three to four weeks before they could test my unit!!! They did, however, give me the name and number of a company that would send me another transducer. They felt that most likely the transducer was bad. I have one on order. Hopefully I'll have the same results as you!!!

Is your office in the building on Seaview Avenue in Stamford? Sorry we weren't able to get together. Will you be going to the Hudson River rendezvous for the Fourth?

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