Alpha Marine Systems Autopilot

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Ken Coit

Alpha Marine Systems Autopilot

Post by Ken Coit »

Is anyone else using an Alpha Marine autopilot? We have the Sprectra model aboard Parfait and thought they were defunct, having disappeared from Milpitas, CA, but they seem to have risen from some box of ashes and reconstituted themselves in Mercer Island, WA. If you need them, there is info at the link below.

I also wonder if anyone is using a computer and wind vane to drive an autopilot. If so, what software and wind vane?


Keep on sailing,

Ken Coit
CD/14 #538
CD/36 #84 Parfait
Hailing Port: Raleigh, NC
Sailing from: Beaufort, NC
John R.


Post by John R. »

I think the Ray Tech Navigator Software has a software module available for it that will work with a windvane via NMEA interface and the PC. I don't know what brand vane it would be compatible with but it surely would be 0183 based as I don't believe Ray Tech is using 2000 yet.

The issue at this point in time that I would be most concerned with is *compatability* today and in the future. That means doing your home work on the current use of 0183 and the future rise of the use of 2000. NMEA finalized 2000 last fall and so it (protocol) is available to the manufacturers. Some are using it but most have not as yet. You don't want to be plunging $$ into a software package and windvane that has no future in electronics compatibility. same is true for any electronics. That means an 0183 setup will be fine for today and still work tomorrow but it won't work with anything that is 2000 based today or tomorrow. 2000 is not backwards compatible !!!!

Keep in mind the new interface is (as I understand it) a typical 100 mbps network connection. Neither BNC nor Cat 5 is necessarily the plug architecture (especially Cat5). I understand manufacturers are still adopting the use of *proprietary* connector designs. Will those guys ever learn!

Anyway, I'd be very careful how you approach that vane/pilot/PC setup you want.

Good luck.
Ken Coit wrote: Is anyone else using an Alpha Marine autopilot? We have the Sprectra model aboard Parfait and thought they were defunct, having disappeared from Milpitas, CA, but they seem to have risen from some box of ashes and reconstituted themselves in Mercer Island, WA. If you need them, there is info at the link below.

I also wonder if anyone is using a computer and wind vane to drive an autopilot. If so, what software and wind vane?


Keep on sailing,

Ken Coit
CD/14 #538
CD/36 #84 Parfait
Hailing Port: Raleigh, NC
Sailing from: Beaufort, NC
Ken Coit

Re: Interfacing

Post by Ken Coit »


Thanks for the advice on NEMA interfaces. Alpha Marine's Spectra has several options, even a computer interface of some sort, but they don't interface directly to a wind vane, so all I really need is for the computer, software and windvane to be compatible on the input side. If it is all up to date, that is fine, if it isn't, that isn't so bad. I'll check out the Ray Tech Navigator Software.



John R. wrote: I think the Ray Tech Navigator Software has a software module available for it that will work with a windvane via NMEA interface and the PC. I don't know what brand vane it would be compatible with but it surely would be 0183 based as I don't believe Ray Tech is using 2000 yet.

The issue at this point in time that I would be most concerned with is *compatability* today and in the future. That means doing your home work on the current use of 0183 and the future rise of the use of 2000. NMEA finalized 2000 last fall and so it (protocol) is available to the manufacturers. Some are using it but most have not as yet. You don't want to be plunging $$ into a software package and windvane that has no future in electronics compatibility. same is true for any electronics. That means an 0183 setup will be fine for today and still work tomorrow but it won't work with anything that is 2000 based today or tomorrow. 2000 is not backwards compatible !!!!

Keep in mind the new interface is (as I understand it) a typical 100 mbps network connection. Neither BNC nor Cat 5 is necessarily the plug architecture (especially Cat5). I understand manufacturers are still adopting the use of *proprietary* connector designs. Will those guys ever learn!

Anyway, I'd be very careful how you approach that vane/pilot/PC setup you want.

Good luck.
Ken Coit wrote: Is anyone else using an Alpha Marine autopilot? We have the Sprectra model aboard Parfait and thought they were defunct, having disappeared from Milpitas, CA, but they seem to have risen from some box of ashes and reconstituted themselves in Mercer Island, WA. If you need them, there is info at the link below.

I also wonder if anyone is using a computer and wind vane to drive an autopilot. If so, what software and wind vane?


Keep on sailing,

Ken Coit
CD/14 #538
CD/36 #84 Parfait
Hailing Port: Raleigh, NC
Sailing from: Beaufort, NC

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