Lake Superior Cruiser-Camping in a Ty or CD22

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Lake Superior Cruiser-Camping in a Ty or CD22

Post by Mike »

Lake Superior? Larry (and/or others), when you get back from cruising, could you give me your opinion of cruiser-camping either a Typhoon or CD22 along:

1) Pictured Rocks National Lake Shore, out of the bay near Grand Isle, MI; and
2) Apostle Islands out of Bed & Breakfasts from Bayfield, WI?

"...Now folks..I'm leaving to go Sailing for three days, so my world just got a whole lot better! See ya next week.


Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30 ~~Curmudgeon sailing Lake Superior~~~ ;^)..."
Larry Demers

Re: Lake Superior Cruiser-Camping in a Ty or CD22

Post by Larry Demers »

Haven't left yet..another simulation to run then....
Pictured ROcks is GRAND beauty, but there is little in the way of protection I believe (seen it from shore only). If you could day sail it and pick your times, it should be a good trip! Especially with a Typhoon or CD22.
Now out of Bayfield (my hailing port by the way), you would have the same precautions, but a heck of a lot more to see and do. Where the Pictured Rocks would be a weekend at most, the Apostles could take a summer to see thoroughly (Heck, I have been rooting around them for 25 years, and have over 17k miles in them just in our CD30).
I could stop the server with my sentiment over the Apostle Islands..but you obviously already know about them. All I can tell you is that you have a great experience in store fer ye.
If you wish, please give us a call on Ch16.."DeLaMer", when you come up, and maybe we can meet somewhere for lunch anchor or something. I would be glad to show you our charts of favorite anchorages.
Also, if you need info on weather patterns now, or supplies etc., I can offer a bit there too.


Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
CD30 ~~~Sailing Lake Superior~~~

Mike wrote: Lake Superior? Larry (and/or others), when you get back from cruising, could you give me your opinion of cruiser-camping either a Typhoon or CD22 along:

1) Pictured Rocks National Lake Shore, out of the bay near Grand Isle, MI; and
2) Apostle Islands out of Bed & Breakfasts from Bayfield, WI?

"...Now folks..I'm leaving to go Sailing for three days, so my world just got a whole lot better! See ya next week.


Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30 ~~Curmudgeon sailing Lake Superior~~~ ;^)..."

Re: Lake Superior Cruiser-Camping in a Ty or CD22

Post by Mike »

Well, thank you Larry! We would be pleased to raft-up with you for lunch on the Lee side of one of the Apostles.

But before we meet, my family will have to decide on a boat. Alberg small designs are our short list. I'm just hoping a Ty or CD22 will be heavy enough for trailer-sailing the Apostles. And my sailing skill level will need to increase (before my wife would sail with me on Superior).

Our family has camped, hiked and cross country ski'ed near both Pictured Rocks and the Apostles, but never sailed. While hiking at Pictured Rocks, I've seen kayacks and small power boats stop near a beach called Chappel Falls, where there is State Park camping. I'm hoping this pristine place would provide cover for a sailboat overnighting.

We'll give you a shout when we start pulling (our future) Alberg trailer-sailer towards Bayfield. My wife would enjoy daysailing out of a bed & breakfast there.

Larry Demers wrote: Haven't left yet..another simulation to run then....
Pictured ROcks is GRAND beauty, but there is little in the way of protection I believe (seen it from shore only). If you could day sail it and pick your times, it should be a good trip! Especially with a Typhoon or CD22.
Now out of Bayfield (my hailing port by the way), you would have the same precautions, but a heck of a lot more to see and do. Where the Pictured Rocks would be a weekend at most, the Apostles could take a summer to see thoroughly (Heck, I have been rooting around them for 25 years, and have over 17k miles in them just in our CD30).
I could stop the server with my sentiment over the Apostle Islands..but you obviously already know about them. All I can tell you is that you have a great experience in store fer ye.
If you wish, please give us a call on Ch16.."DeLaMer", when you come up, and maybe we can meet somewhere for lunch anchor or something. I would be glad to show you our charts of favorite anchorages.
Also, if you need info on weather patterns now, or supplies etc., I can offer a bit there too.


Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
CD30 ~~~Sailing Lake Superior~~~

Mike wrote: Lake Superior? Larry (and/or others), when you get back from cruising, could you give me your opinion of cruiser-camping either a Typhoon or CD22 along:

1) Pictured Rocks National Lake Shore, out of the bay near Grand Isle, MI; and
2) Apostle Islands out of Bed & Breakfasts from Bayfield, WI?

"...Now folks..I'm leaving to go Sailing for three days, so my world just got a whole lot better! See ya next week.


Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30 ~~Curmudgeon sailing Lake Superior~~~ ;^)..."
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