Which has better lines cd22 cd25 cd25d or cd26?

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Which has better lines cd22 cd25 cd25d or cd26?

Post by Craig »

We looked at a cd25 yesterday and were alittle dissapointed. A cd 25d was in the same marina and both of us thought the "lines" were better on the 25d. The 25 is narrow of beam and looks narrow for its width. we are looking for a cape dory for our lakehome. options are open. dont care for the maintenance with the 27 that has more systems, etc. is sailing on a 22 about the same as a 25 or 26? and what about those lines. which has the best. thanks for your help. craig

Clay Stalker

Re: Which has better lines cd22 cd25 cd25d or cd26?

Post by Clay Stalker »

Craig wrote: We looked at a cd25 yesterday and were alittle dissapointed. A cd 25d was in the same marina and both of us thought the "lines" were better on the 25d. The 25 is narrow of beam and looks narrow for its width. we are looking for a cape dory for our lakehome. options are open. dont care for the maintenance with the 27 that has more systems, etc. is sailing on a 22 about the same as a 25 or 26? and what about those lines. which has the best. thanks for your help. craig

As we all know, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. What is beautiful to one will be less so to someone else...with that in mind, I personally think the 25 is a very attractive boat with nice line, even though it was not designed by Alberg. They also sail very well. In my opinion, if you are just going to day sail on a lake, look at Typhoons. Great boat, pretty, seaworthy, and not loaded down with systems and maintenance. If you want something bigger, look at the 25. You probably don't need a 25D and will be paying for systems and capability. Again in my humble opinion, I have always thought that the 27 and 33 were the prettiest Cape Dories, but many other folks will argue that point....beauty is something different to everyone. Good luck!!

Clay Stalker
CD27 Salsa #247
Bristol, R.I.

Warren Kaplan

Re: Which has better lines cd22 cd25 cd25d or cd26?

Post by Warren Kaplan »

dont care for the maintenance with the 27 that has more systems, etc.

As an owner of a CD27, I'm curious about the above statement. Certainly the CD27 has an inboard engine to take care of, but, so does the 25D. The "maintenance" on everything else on the CD27, as far as I can think of, is no different than on any of the other boats. I could be wrong...not having been on the others, but can you elaborate a little?

Warren Kaplan
Sine Qua Non
Oyster Bay Harbor, NY


Re: Which has better lines cd22 cd25 cd25d or cd26?

Post by craig »

Warren Kaplan wrote: dont care for the maintenance with the 27 that has more systems, etc.

As an owner of a CD27, I'm curious about the above statement. Certainly the CD27 has an inboard engine to take care of, but, so does the 25D. The "maintenance" on everything else on the CD27, as far as I can think of, is no different than on any of the other boats. I could be wrong...not having been on the others, but can you elaborate a little?

Warren Kaplan
Sine Qua Non
Oyster Bay Harbor, NY
Winterizing the head
winterizing the fresh water tanks
dealing with stuffing boxes, shafts as potential maint. issues
winterizing the engine vs putting the outboard in the basement
higher ins
ongoing replacing of eq related to more systems.
we own a 34 foot hunter and although we have not had any major issues the day to day maintenance on a fully equipped boat goes on. like the two batteries i just replaced, the water heater that rusted away, fresh water pump that quit etc etc.

We want a day sailor but something bigger than a typhoon at 19 ft. but something smaller than a 27 with the "systems to maintain"

Gary L.

Re: Which has better lines cd22 cd25 cd25d or cd26?

Post by Gary L. »


Think about what you want in a boat. Living space below? Larger cockpit? Daysailer or cruising? Trailering? Do you need pressurized water system? What? Cape Dories make it all. I had a CD26. Just because I loved it does not mean that you would even like it. Get what I mean? As for lines, I just look at the name of the builder. That says it all.

Gary Lapine
Red Witch III
CD30C, #339
Somerset, MA

Anthony P. Jeske

Re: how about a Ty.Sr?

Post by Anthony P. Jeske »

You may want to lok at aTyphoon, Sr. No built in water tankage, no built in galley, no inboard to worry about. Just real pretty lines and 22 feet of Cape Dory quality.
Tony Jeske
CD-25D #141
San Diego


Re: how about a Ty.Sr?

Post by crag »

Anthony P. Jeske wrote: Craig:
You may want to lok at aTyphoon, Sr.
We are getting information on a ty sr in the next day or two. That is a possibility for sure. craig


Sea Sprite 23!

Post by Harris »

OOoopps! I guess CD didnt build that one?

Jim Myers

Re: Which has better lines cd22 cd25 cd25d or cd26?

Post by Jim Myers »

I own a CD25. I know that at first the look and scale of the 25 can be offputting to some. I owned a j24 and cat boats prior. Now in my 2nd season I appreciate both her looks and qualities more than ever. I would recommend that you go for a sail before making a decision.

making any judgen: We looked at a cd25 yesterday and were alittle dissapointed. A cd 25d was in the same marina and both of us thought the "lines" were better on the 25d. The 25 is narrow of beam and looks narrow for its width. we are looking for a cape dory for our lakehome. options are open. dont care for the maintenance with the 27 that has more systems, etc. is sailing on a 22 about the same as a 25 or 26? and what about those lines. which has the best. thanks for your help. craig

Randy Bates

Re: Which has better lines cd22 cd25 cd25d or cd26?

Post by Randy Bates »

The CD25D!
randy CD25D #161 "Seraph"
Craig wrote: We looked at a cd25 yesterday and were alittle dissapointed. A cd 25d was in the same marina and both of us thought the "lines" were better on the 25d. The 25 is narrow of beam and looks narrow for its width. we are looking for a cape dory for our lakehome. options are open. dont care for the maintenance with the 27 that has more systems, etc. is sailing on a 22 about the same as a 25 or 26? and what about those lines. which has the best. thanks for your help. craig

Dan Hanlon

Re: Which has better lines cd22 cd25 cd25d or cd26?

Post by Dan Hanlon »

Craig wrote: We looked at a cd25 yesterday and were alittle dissapointed. A cd 25d was in the same marina and both of us thought the "lines" were better on the 25d. The 25 is narrow of beam and looks narrow for its width. we are looking for a cape dory for our lakehome. options are open. dont care for the maintenance with the 27 that has more systems, etc. is sailing on a 22 about the same as a 25 or 26? and what about those lines. which has the best. thanks for your help. craig
All the CDs have pretty smart lines for those who like the traditional full keel designs of Alberg. His favorite boat was the Pearson Commander. I think the TY weekender is the prettiest of the CDs. Someone mentioned the Sea Sprite 23. I would add to that the Pearson Ensign.

Jeff Funston

The CD25 of course

Post by Jeff Funston »

Prettiest in my mind

S/V Cul De Sac
CD 25
Hampton, VA

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