Upcoming CD events

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Joe Sankey

Upcoming CD events

Post by Joe Sankey »

For those of us too far away to attend, I'd like to make a request of you who will be racing/cruising in the forthcoming events. Take pictures. If nobody's lying about all the recent purchases, I suspect this may be the largest gathering of new sails on Cape Dorys in generations! Let us poor folks see them, badly trimmed or not. And, observations among you made of each other's new canvas might influence some of us still not ready/willing to spring for that upgrade. Thanks.
Joe Sankey
CD 30 Slow Dance
Magnolia Springs, AL

D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Good news/bad news......

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

Captain Sankey,

Unfortunately, it will be very difficult for any of the other vessels in the RACE to get pictures of Hanalei! Well, maybe they could take pictures of her from astern, as she sails away from the fleet!

But, seriously, Mack Sails of Fort Lauderdale, FL has agreed to send up some "grab bag" stuff so that we can distribute it to the attendees of the events. "T" shirts and promotional stuff. So that will be available. But, a picture of Hanalei under new mains'l and mitre cut jib would show just exactly what helped her "do it again"!

Hanalei will have a camera aboard to document what happens as she overtakes every vessel in the fleet, so there should be some good pictures, but, the crews in the pictures will NOT be smiling!

I remain Sir, your most HUMBLE servant...........

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
CDSOA Number ONE ! ! !
Michael Heintz

Re: Photo's of Hanalei

Post by Michael Heintz »

Captain Sankey,

I would be pleased to take photo's of Hanalei as Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II Racing Sloop blazes by. New UK Fully Battented Mainsail and New UK Passagmaker 150% Genoa. I will have to use high speed film.

This past Sunday's training session had Macht Nichts topping out at 8 knots chasing a squall line as it blew across LI Sound.....what a ride !!!!!

Michael Heintz
Captain Commanding
Macht Nichts
Racing Sloop
the real # 1
NE Fleet Captain
Warren Kaplan

Re: Photo's of Hanalei

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Michael Heintz wrote: Captain Sankey,

I would be pleased to take photo's of Hanalei as Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II Racing Sloop blazes by. New UK Fully Battented Mainsail and New UK Passagmaker 150% Genoa. I will have to use high speed film.

This past Sunday's training session had Macht Nichts topping out at 8 knots chasing a squall line as it blew across LI Sound.....what a ride !!!!!

Michael Heintz
Captain Commanding
Macht Nichts
Racing Sloop
the real # 1
NE Fleet Captain
My Fleet Captain,
Had the family out also on Sunday..sailing SQN earlier in the day from Oyster Bay to just outside of Stamford (32A buoy area). We were out early and sailed in a moderate northeasterly. We were headed back into Oyster Bay (daughter had to catch an early LIRR train back to the city) when the wind died for about 10 minutes and then the front came thru with winds piping up from the southwest! Quite a day I'd say. We got soaked in a short but heavy downpour, but since all systems functioned well that day, nobody cared. Sounds like Macht Nichts was flying!! My new Doyle main is lookin' good too!

Warren Kaplan (lowly NE Fleet member)
Sine Qua Non
Oyster Bay Harbor, NY

D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Photo's of Hanalei full and by......

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

Warren(and other Captains Commanding),

If ya want to see a picture of what Hanalei looks like(in a racing mode), click on CDSOA at the top of the page, go to Events, go to Northeast Fleet and click on the "Race". At the bottom of that article, Catherine has inserted a picture of Hanalei full and by heading South West towards the Latimer's Reef Light house and Fisher's Island. Also in the picture is Leo MacDonalds old Cape Dory 30K "Heather Anne". You will note, that Hanalei IS to weather of her. By the way, that light house will designate the finish line in this years RACE ! !

Oh, also note that the picture was taken from astern of Hanalei - the only view that will be available for this years RACE!

D. Stump, Hanalei
Randy Bates

Re: Photo's of Hanalei full and by......

Post by Randy Bates »

Do you mean the cutter with the tan bark sails that is further upwind than you? This explains alot of the "talk" I've been reading.

D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Warren(and other Captains Commanding),

If ya want to see a picture of what Hanalei looks like(in a racing mode), click on CDSOA at the top of the page, go to Events, go to Northeast Fleet and click on the "Race". At the bottom of that article, Catherine has inserted a picture of Hanalei full and by heading South West towards the Latimer's Reef Light house and Fisher's Island. Also in the picture is Leo MacDonalds old Cape Dory 30K "Heather Anne". You will note, that Hanalei IS to weather of her. By the way, that light house will designate the finish line in this years RACE ! !

Oh, also note that the picture was taken from astern of Hanalei - the only view that will be available for this years RACE!

D. Stump, Hanalei

Randy Bates

Re: Photo's of Hanalei full and by......

Post by Randy Bates »

Correction: It's the ketch with the tan bark sails, that's upwind, you're the cutter that's DOWN wind! If you launched a weather ballon off your boat would it travel towards or away from the ketch?
D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Warren(and other Captains Commanding),

If ya want to see a picture of what Hanalei looks like(in a racing mode), click on CDSOA at the top of the page, go to Events, go to Northeast Fleet and click on the "Race". At the bottom of that article, Catherine has inserted a picture of Hanalei full and by heading South West towards the Latimer's Reef Light house and Fisher's Island. Also in the picture is Leo MacDonalds old Cape Dory 30K "Heather Anne". You will note, that Hanalei IS to weather of her. By the way, that light house will designate the finish line in this years RACE ! !

Oh, also note that the picture was taken from astern of Hanalei - the only view that will be available for this years RACE!

D. Stump, Hanalei

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